
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The EyeOpener- Exposing ‘In-Q –Tel’: The CIA’s Own Venture Capital Firm

Sibel Edmonds

In-Q-Tel was formed by the CIA in 1999 as a private, not-for-profit venture capital firm with the specific task of delivering technology to America’s intelligence community. Publicly, In-Q-Tel markets itself as an innovative way to leverage the power of the private sector by identifying key emerging technologies and providing companies with the funding to bring those technologies to market. 

In reality, however, what In-Q-Tel represents is a dangerous blurring of the lines between the public and private sectors in a way that makes it difficult to tell where the American intelligence community ends and the IT sector begins.
In-Q-Tel has generated a number of stories since its inception based on what can only be described as the “creepiness” factor of its investments in overtly Orwellian technologies. 

This is our EyeOpener Report by James Corbett presenting documented facts and cases on the CIA’s privately owned venture capital firm In-Q-Tel, in which well-connected board members drawn from the private sector profit from the investments made with CIA funds that come from the taxpayer.

Putin Wants Eurasian Union to Compete with EU and US

From: End The Lie
Madison Ruppert

Vladimir Putin recently detailed his plan to build a Eurasian Union somewhat reminiscent of the USSR in the Izvestia newspaper which he aims to be able to compete with the European Union and the United States.

Putin said, “We are talking about a model of a powerful supranational union capable of becoming one of the poles in the modern world.”

Putin cites the “great inheritance form the Soviet Union” as a foundation for the construction of a wholly new entity to challenge European and American dominance, although he claims that he is not aiming to create the USSR.

He says that the region “inherited an infrastructure, specialized production facilities, and a common linguistic, scientific and cultural space. It is in our joint interests to use this resource for our development.”

Obama Backs Occupation of Palestine

From: The Future of Freedom Foundation
Sheldon Richman

The Obama administration’s hypocritical vow to block full UN membership for Palestine shames America. Only a hypocrite could proclaim support for the Arab Spring while opposing this step toward realizing the Palestinian aspiration to be free from the 44-year-old Israeli occupation of the West Bank and subjugation of Gaza. 

The Palestinians have been under brutal and degrading occupation since the 1967 Six-Day War, which they did not start. Their daily lives, when not punctuated by shootings, beatings, and bulldozing of homes and olive groves, are scarred by routine humiliation: military checkpoints, road blocks, arbitrary searches, unpredictable delays, and an inhumanely disruptive “security” wall. No one should have to live like that, yet two generations of Palestinians have been subjected to this cruelty. Some Palestinians, mostly in Gaza, have responded with attacks on Israeli civilians. However comprehensible, it is nonetheless vicious, criminal action. 


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