
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Project Censored: The Hidden News of 2011

Source: Razors Edge via Media Monarchy

They're the headlines you don't see, the words that don't make the page- but if they did, these stories would cause quite a stir. Project Censored is a United States media research group and they've released their 2012 list of the top 25 censored stories. Number one on the list is the startling revelation that more US soldiers commit suicide than die in combat.

Top 25 Censored Stories of 2010-2011:
1. More US Soldiers Committed Suicide Than Died in Combat

2. US Military Manipulates the Social Media
3. Obama Authorizes International Assassination Campaign
4. Global Food Crisis Expands
5. Private Prison Companies Fund Anti–Immigrant Legislation
6. Google Spying?
7. U.S. Army and Psychology’s Largest Experiment–Ever
8. The Fairytale of Clean and Safe Nuclear Power
9. Government Sponsored Technologies for Weather Modification
10. Censored # 10: Real Unemployment: One Out of Five in US
11.  Trafficking of Iraqi Women Rampant
12.  Pacific Garbage Dump—Did You Really Think Your Plastic Was Being Recycled?
13.  Will a State of Emergency Be Used to Supersede Our Constitution?
14.  Family Pressure on Young Girls for Genitalia Mutilation Continues in Kenya
15.  Big Polluters Freed from Environmental Oversight
16.  Sweatshops in China Are Making Your iPods While Workers Suffer
17.  Superbug Bacteria Spreading Worldwide
18.  Monsanto Tries to Benefit from Haiti’s Earthquake
19.  Oxfam Exposes How Aid Is Used for Political Purposes
20.  US Agencies Trying to Outlaw GMO Food Labelling
21.  Lyme Disease: An Emerging Epidemic
22.  Participatory Budgeting – A Method to Empower Local Citizens & Communities
23.  Worldwide Movement To Ban or Charge Fees For Plastic Bags
24.  South Dakota Takes Extreme Measures to Be the Top Anti–Abortion State  
25.  Extension of DU to Libya

George W. Bush Cancels Visit to Swiss Charity Gala Over Fears He Could be Arrested on Torture Charges

Source: Daily Mail

Former U.S. President George W. Bush has cancelled a visit to Switzerland over fears he could have been arrested on torture charges.

Mr Bush was due to be the keynote speaker at a Jewish charity gala in Geneva on February 12.

But pressure has been building on the Swiss government to arrest him and open a criminal investigation if he enters the country.

Criminal complaints against Mr Bush alleging torture have been lodged in Geneva, court officials said.

Human rights groups said they had intended to submit a 2,500-page case against him in the Swiss city tomorrow for alleged mistreatment of suspected militants at Guantanamo Bay.

Left-wing groups have also called for a protest on the day of his visit, leading organisers at Keren Hayesod's annual dinner to cancel Mr Bush's participation on security grounds.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch and International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) said the cancellation was linked to growing moves told him accountable for the use of torture, including waterboarding.

He had admitted in his memoirs and TV interviews to ordering the use of the interrogation technique which simulates drowning.

Reed Brody, a lawyer for Human Rights Watch, said: 'He's avoiding the handcuffs.'

The action in Switzerland showed Mr Bush had reason to fear legal complaints against him if he travelled to countries that have ratified an international treaty banning torture, he said.

Mr Brody is a U.S.-trained lawyer who specialises in pursuing war crimes, including Chile's late dictator Augusto Pinochet and Chad's ousted president Hissene Habre.

Habre has been charged by Belgium with crimes against humanity and torture and is currently exiled in Senegal.

He said: 'President Bush has admitted ordering waterboarding which everyone considers to be a form of torture under international law.

'Under the Convention on Torture, authorities would have been obliged to open an investigation and either prosecute or extradite George Bush.'

Iran's Revolutionary Guards Prepare For War

Source: The Telegraph
Con Coughlin

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have been put on a war footing amid increasing signs that the West is taking direct action to cripple Iran’s nuclear programme.

An order from Gen Mohammed Ali Jaafari, the commander of the guards, raised the operational readiness status of the country’s forces, initiating preparations for potential external strikes and covert attacks.

Western intelligence officials said the Islamic Republic had initiated plans to disperse long-range missiles, high explosives, artillery and guards units to key defensive positions.

The order was given in response to the mounting international pressure over Iran’s nuclear programme. Preparation for a confrontation has gathered pace following last month’s report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna that produced evidence that Iran was actively working to produce nuclear weapons.

The Iranian leadership fears the country is being subjected to a carefully co-ordinated attack by Western intelligence and security agencies to destroy key elements of its nuclear infrastructure.

Recent explosions have added to the growing sense of paranoia within Iran, with the regime fearing it will be the target of a surprise military strike by Israel or the US.

Government Study Proves THC From Cannabis Destroys Leukemia, Breast And Lung Cancer Cells

Source: Bayareacannabis.org


Laboratory of Physiologic Studies, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-9413, USA. Pacher@mail.nih.gov




The mammalian body has a highly developed immune system which guards against continuous invading protein attacks and aims at preventing, attenuating or repairing the inflicted damage. It is conceivable that through evolution analogous biological protective systems have been evolved against non-protein attacks. There is emerging evidence that lipid endocannabinoid signaling through cannabinoid 2 (CB₂) receptors may represent an example/part of such a protective system/armamentarium. Inflammation/tissue injury triggers rapid elevations in local endocannabinoid levels, which in turn regulate signaling responses in immune and other cells modulating their critical functions. Changes in endocannabinoid levels and/or CB₂ receptor expressions have been reported in almost all diseases affecting humans, ranging from cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, liver, kidney, neurodegenerative, psychiatric, bone, skin, autoimmune, lung disorders to pain and cancer, and modulating CB₂ receptor activity holds tremendous therapeutic potential in these pathologies. While CB₂ receptor activation in general mediates immunosuppressive effects, which limit inflammation and associated tissue injury in large number of pathological conditions, in some disease states activation of the CB₂ receptor may enhance or even trigger tissue damage, which will also be discussed alongside the protective actions of the CB₂ receptor stimulation with endocannabinoids or synthetic agonists, and the possible biological mechanisms involved in these effects.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

PMCID: PMC3062638
[Available on 2012/4/1]

Corbett Report Radio - The Bill That Will Destroy America with Eric Shine

Source: Corbett Report
James Corbett

Tonight we’re joined by regular guest Eric Shine of Republic Broadcasting’s “In The Zone” to talk about S.1867, the bill just passed by the US Senate that would allow US armed forces to detain US citizens on US soil and hold them indefinitely without so much as a trial. We discuss the historical background of the bill and the potential ramifications if it is signed into law. 

Paul Craig Roberts: The U.S. Gestapo Condoning Torture

Source: RT

There is a bill in the Senate that is attempting to keep torture alive as an interrogation technique. The National Defense Authorization Act is being debated in Congress and if passed, American citizens could be detained without a court hearing anywhere in the world. President Obama stated he will veto the bill if it should pass. Is Senate Bill 1867 threatening the US constitution? Paul Craig Roberts, former Reagan administration official and columnist, gives us his take on the proposed bill.


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