End The Lie
Madison Ruppert
I encourage everyone to not only boycott these companies but flood them with letters, e-mails and phone calls telling them why exactly you are boycotting them.
SOPA would put completely legitimate sites, like End the Lie and countless other alternative news outlets at risk of being shut down, along with literally any site that freely allows users to post content.
That includes YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Blogger, Craigslist, Dropbox and literally any website or service that allows users to upload content.
The United States Attorney General can not only seek court orders against “foreign infringing sites,” meaning any website with a non-U.S. domain name, but can also demand that internet service providers (ISPs) would have to cut off access to the site by not resolving domain name requests.
Furthermore, if served with one of the Attorney General’s court
orders, search engines would have to remove any links to the site,
payment networks would have to stop all payments to the site from U.S.
customers and advertising networks would be forced to stop serving
advertisements about the website or for the website.
But wait, it gets even worse. SOPA would require that within five
days of receiving an allegation by a copyright holder, payment services
and advertising networks would have to cut off all business with the
site either U.S. based or foreign.
All the copyright holder has to do is allege that the site is
“dedicated to the theft of property,” and if the payment provider and
advertising networks don’t cease business within five days, the
copyright holder can file a private lawsuit against the site compelling
the payment service and others to cut off relations.