

The Promethean Post is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, reader supported, alternative and open-source news site. We share articles, podcasts, interviews and videos about breaking news and important issues regarding geopolitics, mainstream media propaganda, the engineered global economic crisis, central banking fraud, the evolving big brother police state, 9/11 truth, false flag terror, unexplained discoveries, suppressed history and more.

  • To report and share alternative, suppressed news, views and history often excluded by the corporate, politically-compliant news media. 
  • To bring people together from both sides of the phony and divisive left/right political paradigm and work together to expose lies, tyranny, injustice and oppression in all forms.
  • To inspire others to open their minds and think critically about these important issues, learn together, question authority and continue the search for truth no matter where it leads us.


Email the Editor: prometheanpost@hotmail.com


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