
Friday, November 25, 2011

Corbett Report Interviews F. William Engdahl

Source: Corbett Report
James Corbett

Today The Corbett Report is joined from Germany by F. William Engdahl, a political analyst, writer and researcher who has authored such books as A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order and Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century. We discuss the Anglo-American involvement in triggering the ongoing Eurozone collapse, the rise of China and Russia as growing threats to American hegemony, and the growing importance of Eurasia as the key geostrategic region of the 21st century.

Why Are So Many People Gathering to Hear David Icke?

Source: Activist Post
Heather Callaghan

What can you expect to hear if you listen to David Icke? Everything!

He also empowers and motivates us to reclaim our personal freedom. You can be fearless in the midst of a seemingly cruel and crazy world. There is a method to the madness for all that's irrational today, although it comes from an artificial reality, keeping us from our own natural consciousness.

It takes an amazing brilliancy and energy to take everyone through a personal prison break, speaking a mile a minute for nearly 11 hours straight! That's what he did recently in Cleveland, Ohio and a few days ago in New York, connecting dots and pinpointing the sources for today's confusion.

Asleep, we meander in a routinized, hazy, yet invisible prison. A world where we are made to feel shame even for every breath, as though we are so small and unworthy that we should receive punishment for filling the atmosphere with our sighs. We might feel confused, fearful, depressed, trapped, exhausted, deflated until it seems like our existence is squeezed into the size of a postage stamp.

But why should that be so! One of his book titles makes for a better description: Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Only Illusion. Always researching, he covers much: metaphysics, technology, co-opted revolutions, top-level power and world banks, fluoride, modern medicine, food politics, vibrational and electromagnetic frequencies, radiation, the left-brain 5-sense prison, the rise of child abuse, Zionism (more than meets the eye), world economy and debt, smart meters, narcissistic cops – trained to lack empathy, greater social consciousness, and tapping into our awareness.

Libyan Rebels Fought the Globalists' War

Source: Land Destroyer
Tony Cartalucci

Editor's Note: This is an update from an April 20, 2011 article titled, "Libyan Rebels Fighting the Globalists' War: How the Devil Pays."
November 25, 2011 - In April 2011, it was written:

"After rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi [aka Hakim Belhaj] admitted to being trained in Afghanistan and subsequently fighting American troops there, and admitting many of the rebel fighters now joining him in Libya had similarly returned from Afghanistan as well as Iraq, it must strike them as tremendous irony that the same Americans they were filling pine boxes with overseas, are now protecting their lives and handing them an entire country to rule over.

Of course in life, nothing is quite that simple. The rebels seem to forget that just months ago Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi was also the recipient of similarly ironic support from the West. In the end, it appears it was merely a ploy to disarm and infiltrate Qaddafi's regime ahead of a US funded, armed, and supported militant uprising. The betrayal does not end there, with the militant rebels in tanks and fighter jets, brandishing newly procured weaponry flowing over the Egyptian border with Washington's full knowledge and in direct violation of UNSC r.1973, the corporate owned media has continuously branded these militants as Libyan "civilians" and Qaddafi's attempts to restore order in his country as an inhumane "massacre."

The intent is to fully justify any means necessary to remove Qaddafi from power, and so the rebels think, hand the country and its riches over to the green shoots of democracy led by the valiant Al Qaeda-linked militants that toppled a tyrant. What woeful ignorance."

It seems that in due time, the folly of Libya's rebels has been completely realized. After it was revealed that the newly unelected "PM" of Libya, Abdurrahim el-Keib, is in fact a long time servant of Western powers, in particular, oil giants British Petroleum (BP), Shell, France's Total, the Japan Oil Development Company, and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, it is now revealed that his government is moving swiftly to exclude the most vicious fighters involved in his NATO-backed ascension to power. The Guardian has reported this week that Al-Qaeda/LIFG commander Hakim Bilhaj has been excluded as defense minister from el-Keib's cabinet in favor of Osama al-Juwali, chief of the Zintan military council.

The Guardian's article is literally titled, "Libyan PM snubs Islamists with cabinet to please western backers," and could provide no better bookend for April 2011's analysis as to the true nature of Western power projection and the betrayal that awaits all who help propel it along. Belhaj's well-being is now related directly proportional to the resistance he puts up to his predetermined fate. Should he decide to hang up his hat as a mass-murdering terrorist and quietly disappear, he may live a long, uneventful life. Should he attempt to contest his betrayal, the same fate met by those he helped remove from power will be his own.

El-Keib's days are also numbered should he stray from the path laid before him by Wall Street and London. Knowing this would give those like Belhaj and others seeking power the perfect opportunity to test his resolve in executing the West's directives in the face of a mobilized Libyan opposition. Should el-Keib heed the anger of his people, he will be the next one hiding in Tripoli's tunnels from NATO bombs. Conversely, should he decide to crush the will of the Libyan people and those being shunted out of power, NATO's ground troops may still make landfall to provide "stabilization" while el-Keib carries out his treacherous work.

Journalist Demonstrates How to Successfully Resist Police Intimidation and Defend Your Rights

Source: 12160info

An intrepid journalist defends his first amendment rights against a series of attempts to intimidate him by NYPD officers.

Senator Lieberman Urges Google to Increase Censorship of Anti-West Blogs

Source: Activist Post
Eric Blair

U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman sent a letter (PDF) to Google this week urging them to censor anti-West, violent jihadist content on their Blogger platform.

The letter, formally from the Committee on Homeland Security and Foreign Affairs which Lieberman chairs, cited the blog of recent "lone wolf" terrorist patsy Jose Pimentel.

"Pimentel allegedly used the Internet to access instructions to make bombs and share his support for violent Islamic extremism," writes Lieberman. "Pimental's (sic) site is just one of the many examples of homegrown terrorists Google-hosted sites to propagate their violent ideology."

Lieberman, no stranger to promoting censorship of the Internet, sent a similar letter in 2008 to then CEO Eric Schmidt requesting that Google-owned YouTube remove videos that contained "offensive material" and "terrorist propaganda".

Lieberman also appeared on CNN in June 2010 praising China's draconian censorship of the Internet and claimed America should have the same ability to shut down Internet content that the U.S. deems dangerous.

In his recent attempt to outlaw information on the Internet, Lieberman applauded Google for complying with his previous request by adding a "flag" option to YouTube videos where anyone can vote the material as offensive or harmful.  Now, Lieberman is strongly urging Google to add the flagging option to all of their content platforms.

Iran Arrests 12 'CIA Spies' for Targeting Nuclear Plans

Source: BBC

Iran has arrested 12 spies of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the official IRNA news agency reports.

Parviz Sorouri, an influential lawmaker, said the agents were targeting Iran's military and its nuclear programme.

He said they were operating in co-ordination with Israel's Mossad and other regional agencies.

The United States and its allies suspect Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapon program, a charge Tehran denies.

Mr Sorouri, a member of the powerful National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, did not give the nationality of the alleged agents, nor when they were arrested. 

"The US and Zionist regime's espionage apparatuses were trying to use regional intelligence services, both inside and outside Iran, in order to deal a strong blow to our country," he was quoted as saying.

"Fortunately, these steps failed due to the quick measures taken by Intelligence Ministry officials," Mr Sorouri said.

Ignorance Is Bliss When It Comes to Challenging Social Issues

Source: Science Daily

The less people know about important complex issues such as the economy, energy consumption and the environment, the more they want to avoid becoming well-informed, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.

And the more urgent the issue, the more people want to remain unaware, according to a paper published online in APA's Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

"These studies were designed to help understand the so-called 'ignorance is bliss' approach to social issues," said author Steven Shepherd, a graduate student with the University of Waterloo in Ontario. "The findings can assist educators in addressing significant barriers to getting people involved and engaged in social issues."

Through a series of five studies conducted in 2010 and 2011 with 511 adults in the United States and Canada, the researchers described "a chain reaction from ignorance about a subject to dependence on and trust in the government to deal with the issue."

In one study, participants who felt most affected by the economic recession avoided information challenging the government's ability to manage the economy. However, they did not avoid positive information, the study said. This study comprised 197 Americans with a mean age of 35 (111 women and 89 men), who had received complex information about the economy and had answered a question about how the economy is affecting them directly.

Next Propoganda Phase: UN Says Syria Tortures Children

Source: Prison Planet
Kurt Nimmo

In order to send in the bombers and introduce the sort of carnage in Syria the US and NATO inflicted on Libya, the propaganda war needs to be dialed up. Allegations of child abuse usually do the trick. Journalists call it “the hook.” 

Prior to the first invasion of Iraq in 1991, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus held a hearing on Capitol Hill showcasing Iraqi human rights abuses. The media event allowed a 15-year old Kuwaiti girl known as Nayirah to claim Saddam’s invaders threw babies out of incubators at the al-Addan hospital in Kuwait City. 

It turns out the girl was a member of the Kuwaiti Royal Family. Her father was Saud Nasir al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. The testimony was a lie cooked up by Hill & Knowlton, a public relations group. Despite this, the lie was repeated over and over again. Bush Senior told the story. It was recited as fact in congressional testimony, on TV and radio talk shows, and at the UN Security Council. 

On Friday, a United Nations human rights panel “expressed alarm” at reports claiming Syrian security forces are torturing children. 

The Committee Against Torture said it had received “numerous, consistent and substantiated reports” of widespread abuse in the country, MSNBC reports today. The chair of the panel, Claudio Grossman, told reporters in Geneva that the reports referring to the abuse of children were of “particular concern.” 

It was less of a concern when George W. Bush’s legal adviser, John Yoo, argued there is no law that could prevent the president from ordering the torture of a child. 

Syria’s neighbor, Israel, has detained and tortured Palestinian children at the infamous al-Jalame Interrogation and Detention Center near Haifa, but the United Nations is not talking about sanctions against the country. The Arab League is not issuing ultimatums and neocons and presidential candidates are not talking about attacking Israel. 

The United Nations report is a prized piece of propaganda released at precisely the right time. It will be mentioned repeatedly by the establishment media in the weeks ahead as the stage is set for an attack on Syria. Like the Nayirah and baby incubator lie, there will be little effort to find out if Syrian security forces are indeed torturing children.


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