
Friday, November 11, 2011

Corbett Report Radio - Understanding the Global Power Struggle

Source: Corbett Report
James Corbett
Afghanistan. Iraq. Libya. Now Syria and Iran. It seems the history of the past 10 years has been a series of wars of aggression based on phony pretexts and blatant propaganda. Are these countries just the pawns on a bigger chess board, and if so, who are the players moving the pieces? Tonight on Corbett Report Radio we go in search of the story behind the story of the steps toward World War III.


Works Cited:

Pakistan seeks full Shanghai Cooperation Organisation membership
Link To: blacklistednews.com
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation – Wikipedia
Link To: wikimedia.org
Afghanistan’s treasure trove: a reality check
Link To: reuters.com
Taiwan drill to simulate China invasion
Link To: stratrisks.com
U.S. to Build Up Military in Australia
Link To: stratrisks.com
James Wolfensohn speaking at Stanford
Link To: YouTube.com

How To Honor Veterans on Veterans Day

Source: Adam Kokesh

11 Shocking Things You Now Realize to be True (But You Never Would Have Believed Just 3 Years Ago)

Source: Natural News
Mike Adams

We are living through a time of great awakening. The people of our world are beginning to open their eyes and realize the stunning depth of the scams and collusion taking place all around them. These scams that steal their wealth, poison them with chemicals, enslave them with financial trickery and control their minds with propaganda. These scams are the very fabric of modern government, the mainstream media, universities and so-called "science" institutions.

Here are 11 of those scams that you probably never would have believed just 2-3 years ago; but now you probably realize these are true!

Welcome to the real world, my friends. Now that we recognize the depth of the scams, let's change things for the better. (Occupy America!) 

#1 - Most of the honey you buy in the grocery store contains no actual honey whatsoever  

It's true, the so-called "honey" isn't even technically honey. Most of it is made of cheap "mystery" sweeteners, illegally imported from China, right under the nose of the FDA.

#2 - The fluoride that's dripped into municipal water supplies is actually a highly toxic industrial chemical byproduct

This scam is exploding in the faces of all the ignorant dentists and doctors who have been pushing this poison for years. Once again, they were wrong; the "conspiracy theorists" were right.

Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a 'New HumanSpecies'

Source: Activist Post
Brandon Turbeville

If some of the information emerging from the technology, governmental, and academic worlds are any indication, not only is the police state here; the scientific dictatorship is right around the corner. Indeed, if recent comments made by Juan Enriquez are indicative of the coming state merger between technology and genetics, we have much to be concerned about. 

For those that are unfamiliar with Enriquez, he may not be the most flashy of the science superstars currently on the scene, but he is not exactly a nobody either. Enriquez was the founding director of the Harvard Business School Life Sciences Project and is currently chairman and CEO of Biotechonomy LLC., a “life sciences research and investment firm” and managing director of Excel Venture Management. He is the author of numerous books, including As The Future Catches You: How Genomics And Other Forces Are Changing Your Life, Work, Health, and Wealth and The Untied States of America: Polarization, Fracturing, and Our Future

Enriquez also serves on the boards of Cabot Corporation, The Harvard Medical School Genetics Advisory Council, The Chairman’s International Council of the America’s Society, the Visiting Committee of Harvard’s David Rockefeller Center, Tuft University’s EPIIC, and Harvard Business School’s PAPSAC. 

Japanese Debris to Start Hitting Western U.S. and Canada THIS WEEK

Source: Washington's Blog

Japanese Debris to Hit Western U.S. and Canada

It turns out that scientists underestimated the speed with which the debris would reach the Western coast of North America.

As Canada’s National Post reports today:
The largest items swept out to sea following the Japanese tsunami in March could arrive on the B.C. coastline within days, oceanographer Curt Ebbesmeyer predicted on Wednesday.
The main part of the 20-million-ton debris field, equivalent in size to the state of California, isn’t expected until about 2014, but houses, fishboats and even small freighters could already be close to Canadian shores, Mr. Ebbesmeyer said.
“We just finished running a simulation with a drifter, a buoy that got lost in the area of the tsunami, and we find that the first of the debris would be here now,” Mr. Ebbesmeyer said.
Beachcombers along the west coast of B.C. should be on the lookout and report any unusual finds, he said.
Mr. Ebbesmeyer is a Seattle-based oceanographer, educated at the University of Washington, who tracks flotsam using computer models. He has consulted for multinational firms, working on projects such as the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Paul Craig Roberts: Military Works for The 1%

Source: Infowars

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts joins the program to discuss the unfolding European economic disaster, now with Italy in the balance, and what it means for the rest of the world.

  1. Paul Craig Roberts on the 9/11 10th Anniversary
  2. Paul Craig Roberts: US pushing for nuclear war; “leadership” treasonous for duping US into wars
  3. War With Iran? Paul Craig Roberts on The Corbett Report
  4. Nuclear Armaggedon: Jason Bermas Interviews Paul Craig Roberts
  5. America Going Into Greece Style Bondage: Paul Craig Roberts
  6. Paul Craig Roberts: The Political Theater and The Debt Ceiling Crisis
  7. Paul Craig Roberts: Why Is NATO Really In Libya?
  8. Paul Craig Roberts: “America is no longer ruled by the law”
  9. Paul Craig Roberts: CIA May Assassinate Julian Assange
  10. Alex’s Farewell Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
  11. Paul Craig Roberts: The U.S. is a Police State
  12. Paul Craig Roberts: What Is The Agenda Behind The Bin Laden Fable?

China Rejects New Anti-Iran Sanctions

Source: PressTV

Chinese Foreign Ministry has rejected the idea of imposing additional sanctions against Iran, calling for further dialogue to resolve concerns around the Islamic Republic's nuclear issue.

“We always believe that dialogue and cooperation is the right way to solve the Iranian nuclear issue," said China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei on Thursday, adding that sanctions cannot fundamentally resolve the case.

“The pressing task now is [for] all parties concerned [to] step up diplomatic efforts,” he added.

Hong's remark came following the distribution of the latest report by Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano to the 35 members of the Board of Governors about Iran's nuclear activities.

In its report, the IAEA has reportedly accused Iran of conducting activities related to developing nuclear weapons before 2003, claiming that such activities “may still be ongoing.”

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday fiercely dismissed the IAEA report, insisting that Iranians will never give up even "an iota' of their legitimate rights.

As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has so far opposed plans by US-led Western states to impose tougher United Nations sanctions against Iran.

“We hope the IAEA will be fair and objective, and actively committed to clarifying the salient issues through cooperation with Iran,” Hong said.

Clinton Urges China to Put Pressure on Iran

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Source: Channelnewsasia.com

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged China to use its influence to raise pressure on Iran after new charges that the Tehran regime is pursuing nuclear weapons, officials said.

Clinton, meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in Hawaii ahead of a weekend Asia-Pacific summit, talked "extensively" about Iran amid Western calls for further sanctions on the Islamic state, a senior US official said.

Clinton said "it was critical for China to communicate both publicly but also privately with Iran that they were on a course that was dangerous," the official, who attended the talks, said on customary condition of anonymity.

China, which along with Russia is one of Iran's main sources of diplomatic support, earlier Thursday rejected calls for new sanctions against Tehran and instead urged further dialogue on its nuclear drive.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN atomic watchdog, said on Tuesday it had "serious concerns" based on "credible" information that Iran has "has carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device."

Iran has consistently denied it is seeking nuclear weapons, insisting its atomic programme is meant to produce electricity in the oil-rich nation.

U.S. Tourism's 'Lost Decade' Cost Some 500,000 Jobs

Source: USnews.com

The travel industry today became the latest to slam federal rules and bureaucracy, charging that tough visa rules for potential tourists have robbed the nation of $600 billion and hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Two grim facts: More Chinese now visit France than the United States, in part because it's hard to get a U.S. visitors visa. And while the U.S. used to be the destination for 17 percent of the world's tourists in 2000, that's dropped to 12.4 percent and shows no sign of changing.

"Even as world travel grew by more than 60 million travelers between 2000 and 2010, the U.S. share of the market remained essentially flat. During this 'lost decade,' our economy squandered an opportunity to gain $606 billion in total spending from 78 million additional visitors—enough to support 467,000 more jobs annually," said a new report out this afternoon from the U.S. Travel Association.

"We know that we are not getting our share," said USTA spokesman Robert Bobo.

The key issue: The U.S. is slow to issue visas, especially since 9/11, and visitors from distant nations are going elsewhere. Among the key problems are the post-9/11 requirement that visa applicants be interviewed before traveling and a lack of visa offices. In China, for example, 20 cities with 20 million or more citizens have no U.S. visa office. [Check out our editorial cartoons on President Obama.]


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