
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Special Ops, Global Tax, Zombie Voters - New World Next Week

Source: Corbett Report and Media Monarchy

Welcome back to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: Expanded Role Proposed for ‘Elite’ Military Forces
Related: Iran Blames Israel for String of Bombings as Thais Find Possible Link to India Blast

Story #2: UN May Get Global Carbon Tax on Air Travel to Avert ‘Trade War’
Related: China Rejects ‘Illegal’ EU Carbon Tax on Airlines

Story #3: 1.8 Million Dead People Currently Registered To Vote
Download PDF: Inaccurate, Costly, and Inefficient – Evidence That America’s Voter Registration System Needs an Upgrade
Related Video: Study – 24 Million Voter Registrations Invalid

Visit http://NewWorldNextWeek.com to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn & share. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report http://ur1.ca/39obd and Media Monarchy http://ur1.ca/kuec Thank you.

Previous Episode: Drones for Peace, Scary Charts, Morality Pills

Bill Gates Rebranding GMOs as “High-Tech Agriculture”

Source: Natural News
Mike Adams

The Health Ranger shares and gives commentary on a revealing Bill Gates interview with ABC News* in which Gates claims GMO testing should follow examples set by corrupt pharmaceutical industry.

Other topics included:

* Posionous GMOs now being deceptively referred to as “high-tech agriculture”– Is this a re-branding like High Fructose Corn Syrup’s new image as “Corn Sugar”
* Gates continues to prove his support of depopulation through vaccines and GMOs
* ABC News is a paid media partner, invested in a positive portrayal of Bill Gates. See here for more.

25 Signs That The Nazification Of America Is Almost Complete

Source: Blacklisted News
Michael Snyder

The United States of America is becoming more like Nazi Germany every single day. In fact, the Nazification of America is almost complete. The parallels between Nazi Germany and the United States of today are going to absolutely shock many of you. Most Americans simply have never learned what life was really like back in Nazi Germany.

Under Adolf Hitler, Germany was a Big Brother totalitarian police state that ruthlessly repressed freedom and individual liberty. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany adopted socialism, dramatically increased government spending and raised taxes to astronomical levels. Under Adolf Hitler, abortion became legal in Germany, the government took over health care and Christianity was pushed out of the public schools and out of public life. To prove all of these points, I am going to use extensive quotes from two sources. Kitty Werthmann was a child living a peaceful life in Austria when Hitler took over her nation. Her eyewitness accounts about what life was like under Nazi Germanyare invaluable. In addition, I will also be quoting extensively from author Bruce Walker. He is the author of a book entitled “The Swastika Against The Cross: The Nazi War On Christianity”, and during his years of research he has uncovered some absolutely jaw dropping stuff. After reading the information in the rest of this article, there should be no doubt that the United States is becoming just like Nazi Germany.

Nazi Germany shows us what happens when the state becomes god. Adolf Hitler was certainly more racist than the leaders of America are today, but other than that there are very few differences between the road that Adolf Hitler led Germany down and the path that the United States is being led down.

The following are 25 signs that the Nazification of America is almost complete….

Iran Cuts Oil to Six EU Countries

Source: Telegraph

Iranian state TV says Tehran has cut oil exports to six European countries in response to European Union sanctions, which include a boycott of new oil contracts with Iran.

No details were immediately made available on the Press TV report on Wednesday, including which six nations were affected by the decision.
The move comes days after Iran's oil minister, Rostam Qassemi, said Tehran could cut off oil exports to "hostile" European nations as tensions rise over the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.
Iran argues that the EU oil embargo will not cripple its economy, claiming that the country already has identified new customers. European sales account for about 18 percent of Iran's total crude exports.
State television reported earlier on Wednesday that Iran has made advances in its nuclear programme, building new uranium enrichment centrifuges and producing its own nuclear reactor fuel plates.
The announcement, to be confirmed by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad later on Wednesday, was likely to further unsettle the United States and allies who believe Iran is also forging ahead with atomic weapon development.

Iran has developed "4th generation centrifuges" made of carbon fibre that are "speedier, produce less waste and occupy less space" as they spin at supersonic speeds to purify uranium, state television reported, citing Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation. 

Members of UK Parliament Recommend Censoring Online Extremism

Source: Electronic Frontier Foundation
Natalie Nicol

In a report published last week, members of the United Kingdom Parliament concluded that the Internet plays a major role in the radicalization of terrorists and called on the government to pressure Internet Service Providers in Britain and abroad to censor online speech. The Roots of Violent Radicalisation places the Internet ahead of prisons, universities, and religious establishments in propagating radical beliefs and ultimately recommends that the government “develop a code of practice for the removal of material which promotes violent extremism” binding ISPs.  

While the Terrorism Act 2006 authorizes British law enforcement agencies to order certain material to be removed from websites, lawmakers on the Home Affairs Committee stated that “service providers themselves should be more active in monitoring the material they host.” Their report raises serious concerns that political and religious speech will be suppressed. Security expert Peter Neumann who testified before the Committee asked why websites like YouTube and Facebook can’t be as “effective at removing . . . extremist Islamist or extremist right-wing content” as they are at removing sexually explicit content or copyrighted material that violates their own terms of service.

Citing “persuasive evidence about the potential threat from extreme far-right terrorism” and lauding the recent conviction of four London men who used the Internet to plot a bombing of the London Stock Exchange, Parliament Members commended the report saying, “[it] tackles the threat from home-grown terrorism on and off line.” A spokesman for the House of Commons Home Office stated that the Committee would continue to “work closely with police and internet service providers to take Internet hate off the web."

In an interview with the International Business Times, Trend Micro security director Rik Ferguson criticized the Committee’s recommendations and argued that making ISPs “judge, jury and executioner” imposes responsibilities on ISPs that rightfully belong to law enforcement. “Material of a political or religious nature is by definition much more difficult to define and much more difficult to police without crossing the line to impact on freedom of expression,” Ferguson stated. 

Drug War Profiteers Offer To Buy ALL State Owned Prisons In 48 States

Source: RT via MOX News

GMO Foods and Intellectual Property: The Ultimate Food Fight

Source: Global Research and Corbett Report

The oft-neglected legal minefield of intellectual property rights has seen a surge in public interest in recent months due to the storm of protest over proposed legislation and treaties related to online censorship. One of the effects of such legislation as SOPA and PIPA and such international treaties as ACTA is to have drawn attention to the grave implications that intellectual property arguments can have on the everyday lives of the average citizen.

As important as the protection of online freedoms is, however, an even more fundamental part of our lives has come under the purview of the multinational corporations that are seeking to patent the world around us for their own gain. Unknown to a large section of the public, a single US Supreme Court ruling in 1980 made it possible for the first time to patent life itself for the profit of the patent holder.

Soros Big-Business Accountability Project Funded by Big-Business

Source: Land Destroyer Report

Corporate-fascist feel-good scam seeks to crush competition & establish global monopoly

Called "Revenue Watch" it claims to be "a non-profit policy institute and grantmaking organization that promotes the effective, transparent and accountable management of oil, gas and mineral resources for the public good. Through capacity building, technical assistance, research and advocacy, we help countries realize the development benefits of their natural resource wealth."

In reality, it is a Wall Street-London centric front of monolithic proportions that ensures foreign competitors, including nationalized companies, are prevented from exploiting in many cases their own national resources, so that they may be reserved instead for the West's corporate giants to plunder them. In many cases, this includes funding and organizing opposition groups to take to the streets and physically stop ongoing projects under humanitarian and environmental pretenses.

A look at Revenue Watch's "partners" page reveals what at only a superficial glance appears to be well-intentioned, noble civil endeavors. However, upon closer examination, a different story is told.

Who's Partnered With Soros' Revenue Watch?

What the "partners" page represents is an interconnected, incestuous network leading each time back to George Soros' Open Society Network, the OCED, USAID, British DIFD, Australia Aid, and the UN Development Program, all of which are directly partnered with the largest banking, big oil, defense contractors, and consumer multinationals on earth.

The very first "partner" on Revenue Watch's list, Democratic Republic of Congo's Action Contre l’Impunité pour les Droits Humains (ACIDH), is entirely funded by George Soros' Open Society, OCED Watch, and the European Commission. Other organizations listed, such as "RAID" and Cee Bank Watch Network (itself a Revenue Watch partner), are in turn Soros, Ford Foundation, Sigrid Rausing Trust, Freedom House, Heinrich Boell Foundation, and European Commission-funded fronts.

US Forms Anti-China Military Alliance

Source: PressTV

Pentagon has backed the US President Barack Obama's military spending plan, which features a shift in strategic focus to the Asia Pacific region.

Interview with Jeff Steinberg, editor of the Executive Intelligence Review

Empire Power and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall - Episode 6

Source: Boiling Frogs Post
Andrew Gavin Marshall

“Understanding the Arab Spring”

Seeking to place the Arab Spring within a wider geopolitical and social context, this episode draws a thread through the middle of many critical interpretations of the events in the Arab world, those which view the uprisings as authentic and organic democratic revolts, and those which view them as a Western covert strategy of regime change. Instead, the truth can better be found somewhere in the middle. The aspirations and circumstances in which people of the Arab – and indeed wider – world seek and struggle for democracy are the conditions which they live and have lived under naturally breed. Thus, the conditions for democratic uprisings were present simply due to the living conditions of the population, and to the realities of the ‘global political awakening’, which reflects the fact that the majority of the world’s population is now awakened to the social depravity, economic exploitation, political repression, and general domination to which they have been subjected. 

On the other hand, American imperial strategists are aware of these changes and seek to pre-empt and co-opt these aspirations to serve their own imperial interests. In this context, a 2005 Council on Foreign Relations report indicated that it was in the U.S. interest to promote democracy in the Arab world, however, the strategy would best be pursued through “evolution, not revolution,” because revolution is inherently problematic and unstable. While U.S. aid agencies and democracy promotion organizations have established contacts with Arab organizations, comparisons to the colour revolutions in Eastern Europe are lacking a critical detail: the difference between popular/public opinion in Eastern Europe (which was more Western oriented in ideology and aspirations) and that of the Arab world (which is virulently anti-American), and thus, authentic democracy in the Arab world is not in the interests of the U.S. The issues are complex, the circumstances are global, regional, national and local, but for any attempt to impose a more comprehensive understanding of the Arab Spring, these issues must be remedied.

Michel Chossudovsky: "Al-Qaeda Was Created by the CIA"

Source: RT

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has offered a referendum for a new constitution that will put an end to a 50-year reign of a single party system. For several months the country has been torn apart by the al-Assad government and anti-government rebels and many critics believe al-Assad's referendum is too late. Many believe the people aren't looking for other political parties to vote for, but would like Bashar to be removed from office. According to some reports, the CIA and MI 6 have agents in their provoking conflict. Michel Chossudovsky, director for the Centre for Research on Globalization, joins us for more and gives us his thoughts.


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