
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Infowars Interviews General Hamid Gul

Source: Infowars
Alex Jones

On the Wednesday November 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with retired Pakistani Army three-star general Hamid Gul about the situation in Pakistan following NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers. Pakistan has also issued a demand that the U.S. stop running drone strikes out of the Shamsi airbase located in the Balochistan province. Gul served as the Director General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

Nigel Farage: This is How Dictatorship Begins

Source: Byoblu
Claudio Messoru

UKIP Leader Nigel Farage MEP is interviewed by Claudio Messoru of Byoblu.com (Italy)

Syria: NATO Genocide Approaches

Source: Land Destroyer Report
Tony Cartalucci

Blatant lies told by alleged "human rights activists" led to ignominious NATO-sanctioned brutality and ultimately brought BP, Shell, Total-sponsored Petroleum Institute representative, Abdurrahim el-Keib, into power in Libya. Now, these same corporate-financier interests, through their same networks of propaganda, duplicity and deception, are laying the ground work for a repeat performance in Syria.

It was just recently revealed that the UN Human Rights Council report regarding Syrian "crimes against humanity" was actually co-authored by Karen Koning AbuZayd, a director of the US Washington-based corporate think-tank, Middle East Policy Council, that includes Exxon men, CIA agents, US military and government representatives, and even the president of the US-Qatar Business Council, which includes amongst its membership, AlJazeera, Chevron, Exxon, munitions manufacturer Raytheon (who supplied the opening salvos during NATO's operations against Libya), and Boeing. The conflict of interest is so monumental it is only outdone by the corporate media's eager acceptance of the report and their complete negligence in airing the compromised backgrounds of those responsible for compiling it.

The UN report itself (.pdf) contained no verifiable evidence, but rather hearsay accounts recorded in Geneva by alleged "victims" "witnesses," and "defectors," put forth by "all interested persons and organizations." In other words, it was an open invitation for Syria's enemies to paint whatever image of the ruling government they pleased. While critics claim this is due to the Syrian government's lack of cooperation with the UN, it is more likely that the UN itself, with a proven track record of doing so in Iraq, the Ivory Coast, and most recently Libya, is merely complicit in providing "window dressing" for Wall Street and London's otherwise naked military conquests.

How to Start the War

And it is through this purposefully distorted lens that calls for military intervention are being made. After months of denying the opposition was armed, the Wall Street-funded think-tank Council on Foreign Relations now openly claims that not only are the "protesters" armed, but there is a resistance army of "15,000." The CFR claims this "Free Syrian Army" is requesting weapons and air support. It has already been revealed that weapons are freely flowing over Syria's borders from foreign-supporters, most notably, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, and now even as far as Libya. The CFR report then goes on to explore the options available to NATO for facilitating "regime change" including the use of "overhead surveillance assets, logistical enablers, peacekeepers, armed drones, combat aircraft, ground troops," and "smuggled weapons."

Of course the number of Syrian defectors are as baseless as the UN human rights report. However, even the claim of a large, armed militant force operating inside of Syria directly contradicts the West's concurrent narrative that Syria's military is running rampant over defenseless civilians. With an army of "15,000 defectors" attempting to seize the nation by force with the help of foreign money, weapons, and diplomatic support, one finds it difficult to believe the Syrian government would instead be spending its time "massacring civilians." Just as in Libya, or any number of nations where foreign-backed "revolutions" have been attempted or achieved, Western-enabled violence is always a predetermined part of the equation, fully provisioned ahead of time with the subsequent violence cloaked behind tales of one-sided brutality aimed at the targeted regime.

Corbett Report Interviews Bob Chapman

Source: Corbett Report
James Corbett

In this week’s conversation with regular guest Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster, we discuss: rumours of the Fed’s new QE3 are sending the DOW higher, even as the printing press threaten to devalue the dollar even more; the Eurozone crisis continues apace, with nothing likely to help but a complete reset of the banking system; Chavez repatriates Venezuela’s gold, and much more.

TSA Whistleblower: Feds Covered-Up Sexual Assault

Source: Infowars
Paul Joseph Watson

The Transportation Security Administration has found itself embroiled in yet another scandal after a TSA whistleblower accused the federal agency of covering up her sexual assault at the hands of a TSA investigator by forcing her to sign a false disavowal.

“Nilda C. Marugame, a TSA worker at Lihue airport, sued the TSA’s governmental parent, the Department of Homeland Security, in Federal Court. Marugame claims a TSA investigator (TSI) “sexually assaulted her” on Aug. 26, 2009,” reports Courthouse News Service.

When Marugame subsequently attempted to notify the Assistant Federal Security Director about the incident, she was immediately suspended for three days and then coerced into signing a statement that erroneously characterized the sexual advances as being consensual.

“She says she is “at least the third woman to report unwelcome sexual advances” from the same man, and that all of his victims were retaliated against with suspension or threats of termination,” states the report.

While all three women were punished for complaining about the assaults, no action was taken against the perpetrator, according to the case.

Marugame is currently trying to sue the TSA in federal court for lost wages resulting from her suspension and damages pertaining to the sexual assault.

Of course, the fact that the agency tasked with fondling travelers, including children, is constantly embroiled in sexual assault and rape cases, illustrates perfectly why it should be abolished.

As we have laboriously documented, sexual deviancy is so prevalent within the TSA that it’s almost become a prerequisite to get the job. Indeed, a prank caller who pretended to be a sex pervert phoned the TSA about applying for a job and was treated seriously by a TSA staffer.

In Modern America, Questioning War is Considered Terrorism

Source: Washington's Blog

I noted last year:
According to the Department of Justice’s Inspector General (via AP), the FBI spied on an anti-war rally in Pittsburgh sponsored by a nonviolent anti-war and anti-discrimination group, pretending it was preventing terrorism:
The FBI gave inaccurate information to Congress and the public when it claimed a possible terrorism link to justify surveilling an anti-war rally in Pittsburgh, the Justice Department’s inspector general said Monday in a report on the bureau’s scrutiny of domestic activist groups.
Inspector General Glenn Fine said the FBI had no reason to expect that anyone of interest in a terrorism investigation would be present at the 2002 event sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center, a nonviolent anti-war and anti-discrimination group.
The surveillance was “an ill-conceived project on a slow work day,” the IG stated in a study of several FBI domestic terrorism probes of people affiliated with organizations such as Greenpeace and the Catholic Worker.
Earlier, in statements to Congress and in a press release, the FBI had described the surveillance as related to a terrorism investigation.
The FBI has broad definitions that enable it to classify matters as domestic terrorism that actually are trespassing or vandalism, the inspector general said.
Regarding the Pittsburgh rally, controversy erupted in 2006 over whether the FBI had spied on protesters at the event several years earlier because of their anti-war views.
Promoters of peace in Maryland, Minneapolis, Chicago and elsewhere were also considered potential terrorists, as was an individual Quaker peace activist.

The Inspector General’s report confirms that – at least in some instances – anti-war views were specifically targeted:
The report concluded that, while the FBI probes were not generally predicated simply on the views of the targets, at least one FBI field office was focused on a group “as a result of its anti-war views.” It also found that “FBI agents and supervisors sometimes provided the [Office of the Inspector General] with speculative, after-the-fact rationalizations for their prior decisions to open investigations that we did not find persuasive.”
In addition, anti-war websites like AntiWar.com are listed on various terrorist watchlists: see number 16 here, and number 37 here.
AntiWar’s sin? It is (according to the watchlists):

Secret App On Millions of Phones Logs Key Taps

Source: The Register
Dan Goodin

An Android app developer has published what he says is conclusive proof that millions of smartphones are secretly monitoring the key presses, geographic locations, and received messages of its users.

In a YouTube video posted on Monday, Trevor Eckhart showed how software from a Silicon Valley company known as Carrier IQ recorded in real time the keys he pressed into a stock EVO handset, which he had reset to factory settings just prior to the demonstration. Using a packet sniffer while his device was in airplane mode, he demonstrated how each numeric tap and every received text message is logged by the software.

Ironically, he says, the Carrier IQ software recorded the “hello world” dispatch even before it was displayed on his handset.

Eckhart then connected the device to a Wi-Fi network and pointed his browser at Google. Even though he denied the search giant's request that he share his physical location, the Carrier IQ software recorded it. The secret app then recorded the precise input of his search query – again, “hello world” – even though he typed it into a page that uses the SSL, or secure sockets layer, protocol to encrypt data sent between the device and the servers.

“We can see that Carrier IQ is querying these strings over my wireless network [with] no 3G connectivity and it is reading HTTPS,” the 25-year-old Eckhart says.

The European Central Bank Fiddles While Rome Burns

Source: Global Research
Ellen Brown

“To some people, the European Central Bank seems like a fire department that is letting the house burn down to teach the children not to play with matches.”               

So wrote Jack Ewing in the New York Times last week.  He went on:

“The E.C.B. has a fire hose — its ability to print money. But the bank is refusing to train it on the euro zone’s debt crisis.

“The flames climbed higher Friday after the Italian Treasury had to pay an interest rate of 6.5 percent on a new issue of six-month bills . . . the highest interest rate Italy has had to pay to sell such debt since August 1997 . . . .
“But there is no sign the E.C.B. plans a major response, like buying large quantities of the country’s bonds to bring down its borrowing costs.”  
Why not?  According to the November 28th Wall Street Journal, “The ECB has long worried that buying government bonds in big enough amounts to bring down countries' borrowing costs would make it easier for national politicians to delay the budget austerity and economic overhauls that are needed.” 
As with the manufactured debt ceiling crisis in the United States, the E.C.B. is withholding relief in order to extort austerity measures from member governments—and the threat seems to be working.  The same authors write:     
“Euro-zone leaders are negotiating a potentially groundbreaking fiscal pact . . . [that] would make budget discipline legally binding and enforceable by European authorities. . . . European officials hope a new agreement, which would aim to shrink the excessive public debt that helped spark the crisis, would persuade the European Central Bank to undertake more drastic action to reverse the recent selloff in euro-zone debt markets.”
The Eurozone appears to be in the process of being “structurally readjusted” – the same process imposed earlier by the IMF on Third World countries.  Structural demands routinely include harsh austerity measures, government cutbacks, privatization, and the disempowerment of national central banks, so that there is no national entity capable of creating and controlling the money supply on behalf of the people.  The latter result has officially been achieved in the Eurozone, which is now dependent on the E.C.B. as the sole lender of last resort and printer of new euros.

Federal Reserve Bleeds The Dollar To Keep Europe on Life Support For Another Week

Source: Business Insider
Joe Weisenthal


All the world's central banks have just announced a big coordinated intervention to lower swap rates.

What does that mean?

Basically this: European banks have been parched for liquidity, and need access to dollars. The ECB can't supply them dollars unless it borrows them from the Fed.

Essentially today's action makes it easier for the ECB and thus European banks to borrow dollars.

It's not a solution to the euro crisis by any means; it just means that the most acute liquidity problems will be mitigated for now.

The market is loving the news.

US futures had been down by 0.5% at one point this morning, and now the Dow is up 400 points.

Note that there are some other bullish things going on today. China lowered its Reserve Requirement Ratio also this morning, and we got a strong ADP jobs report.

So, lots of bullish action going on.
Here's the full announcement from the ECB.

Corbett Report Interviews Dan Dicks

Source: Corbett Report
James Corbett

Dan Dicks of PressForTruth.ca joins us once again to discuss a new report from the CBC, “G20 case reveals ‘largest ever’ police spy operation“, which reveals some of the newly-released documents proving that the RCMP were involved in spying, surveillance and undercover skullduggery in the run-up and the aftermath of the Toronto G20 in what is being described as one of the largest domestic intelligence operations in Candian history. We discuss Dicks’ own documentary about the G20, Into The Fire, and how these documents confirm what we already knew about the encroaching Canadian police state.


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