Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu has given US President Barack Obama a Hebrew tome
containing details of a plot to annihilate the Jews in ancient Iran.
"Then too, they wanted to wipe us out," Netanyahu reportedly told Obama when presenting him with The Scroll of Esther during their meeting on Monday.
The Scroll of Esther tells the 2,500-year old story of a plot
by Haman, the minister of Persian king Xerxes, to annihilate the Jewish
people living in Persia. But his scheme is foiled by Esther, the king’s
Jewish people read the scroll, known to them as the Megillah, on the eve of the Jewish costume holiday of Purim on March 7.
One of the verses of the scroll says, "And the Jews smote all their
enemies with the stroke of the sword, and with slaughter and
destruction, and did what they would unto them that hated them."
This is while Iranians have always lived in peace alongside the
followers of the Jewish faith. Today, Iranian Jews live freely in Iran
and even enjoy political advantages which include having a
representative in Majlis.