Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
The World is at a Dangerous Crossroads. America is on a War Path.
World War III is no longer an abstract concept.
The Pentagon’s global military design is one of world conquest.
The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously.
War pretexts and "justifications" abound. Iran is heralded as a threat to Israel and the World.
The war on Iran has been on the drawing board of
the Pentagon for more than eight years. In recent developments, a
renewed set of threats and accusations directed against Tehran have been
A "war of stealth" has already commenced. Mossad intelligence
operatives are on the ground. Covert paramilitary formations are being
launched inside Iran, CIA drones are being deployed.
Meanwhile, Washington. London, Brussels and Tel Aviv have launched specific destabilizing initiatives "to choke Iran diplomatically, financially and economically".
A stepped up economic sanctions regime has been formulated by the US Congress:
"a bipartisan consensus has emerged in Washington in favor of
strangling the Iranian economy." The latter consists in implementing
"an amendment to the 2012 defence authorisation bill, designed to
"collapse the Iranian economy"... by making it virtually impossible for
Tehran to sell its oil." (Tom Burghardt, Target Iran: Washington's Countdown to War, Global Research, December 2011). :
This new wave of diplomatic hype coupled with the threat of
economic sanctions has also contributed to triggering an aura of
uncertainty in the market for crude oil, with potentially devastating
consequences on the global economy.
Meanwhile, the corporate media has embarked on a renewed
propaganda stint pertaining to Iran's alleged nuclear program, pointing
to "activities related to possible weaponization."