
Monday, January 9, 2012

Ron Paul Ends Interview Early With CNN Talking Head Dana Bash As Establishment Media Continues Their Ron Paul Smear Campaign

Source: The Intel Hub

Ron Paul and campaign manager Jesse Benton ended an interview with CNN establishment talking piece Dana Bash early after she attempted to blame the days earlier media circus on Ron Paul when in reality it was actually created by the corporate media themselves.

Bash, a CNN correspondent and establishment GOP supporter who has openly admitted that she is worried about Ron Paul’s success, was, like Gloria Borger before her, attempting to derail Ron Paul’s enormous support throughout the country.

Earlier in the day a ridiculous media circus occurred during one of Paul’s events which caused him to leave early and later caused the corporate media to act like he did something wrong when in reality the media actually created the madness that caused Paul to leave in the first place.
On Monday, the corporate media prevented candidate Ron Paul from talking with New Hampshire voters. Moe Joe’s Diner in Manchester was packed and a crowd of reporters and media people made it impossible for Paul to interact with voters.
CNN made it sound like Paul was ignoring voters, but as the video below reveals the media made it impossible for the congressman to talk to people.
It is not clear if this is a new tactic to prevent Ron Paul from interacting with voters in the key primary state, or if it is simply the result of a corporate media circus sideshow that is determined to make Paul out to be a lunatic with a following of fanatical supporters.
As Ron Paul continues to gain support and momentum throughout the country, the establishment media, fixated on protecting the military industrial complex, will continue their completely disgusting smear campaign in the hopes of keeping the stranglehold they posses on the American mindset.

Western Oil firms Remain as US Exits Iraq

Source: Global Research
Dahr Jamail

Baghdad, Iraq - While the US military has formally ended its occupation of Iraq, some of the largest western oil companies, ExxonMobil, BP and Shell, remain.

On November 27, 38 months after Royal Dutch Shell announced its pursuit of a massive gas deal in southern Iraq, the oil giant had its contract signed for a $17bn flared gas deal.

Three days later, the US-based energy firm Emerson submitted a bid for a contract to operate at Iraq's giant Zubair oil field, which reportedly holds some eight million barrels of oil.

Earlier this year, Emerson was awarded a contract to provide crude oil metering systems and other technology for a new oil terminal in Basra, currently under construction in the Persian Gulf, and the company is installing control systems in the power stations in Hilla and Kerbala.

Iraq's supergiant Rumaila oil field is already being developed by BP, and the other supergiant reserve, Majnoon oil field, is being developed by Royal Dutch Shell. Both fields are in southern Iraq.

According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), Iraq's oil reserves of 112 billion barrels ranks second in the world, only behind Saudi Arabia. The EIA also estimates that up to 90 per cent of the country remains unexplored, due to decades of US-led wars and economic sanctions.

"Prior to the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq, US and other western oil companies were all but completely shut out of Iraq's oil market," oil industry analyst Antonia Juhasz told Al Jazeera. "But thanks to the invasion and occupation, the companies are now back inside Iraq and producing oil there for the first time since being forced out of the country in 1973."

"The last thing the US cares about in the Middle East is democracy. It is about oil, full stop."

Dr Abdulhay Yahya Zalloum  Juhasz, author of the books The Tyranny of Oil and The Bush Agenda, said that while US and other western oil companies have not yet received all they had hoped the US-led invasion of Iraq would bring them, "They've certainly done quite well for themselves, landing production contracts for some of the world's largest remaining oil fields under some of the world's most lucrative terms."

Dr Abdulhay Yahya Zalloum, an international oil consultant and economist who has spent nearly 50 years in the oil business in the US, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, agrees that western oil companies have "obtained concessions in Iraq's major [oil] fields", despite "there being a lack of transparency and clarity of vision regarding the legal issues".

Dr Zalloum added that he believes western oil companies have successfully acquired the lions' share of Iraq's oil, "but they gave a little piece of the cake for China and some of the other countries and companies to keep them silent".

In a speech at Fort Bragg in the wake of the US military withdrawal, US President Barack Obama said the US was leaving behind "a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people".

Of this prospect, Dr Zalloum was blunt.

"The last thing the US cares about in the Middle East is democracy. It is about oil, full stop." A strong partnership?

NDAA is a Hoax: You Can't Legalize Tyranny

Source: Infowars

President Obama quietly waited weeks to sign the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) legislation on New Year's Eve after publicly threatening to veto the bill that, among other things, authorizes the indefinite detention of American citizens.

Obama's signing statement tries to reassure observers that he wouldn't use the "law" to detain citizens, but that is an illusion; his signing statement is meaningless, and the establishment occupying Washington have pulled a hoax on The People in violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights to enslave them.

But you can't legalize tyranny. One of the nation's most well known legal precedents, Marbury vs. Madison, set in 1803, makes clear that any "law" that is "repugnant to the Constitution is null and void."

The blatant unconstitutional powers enacted in the legislature and executive branch is backfiring, however. This crowning act of tyranny is awakening people to the true intentions of Big Government in its takeover. The NDAA is so openly in violation of the American way, that Obama had to play lip-service to it in his signing statement language, even as he gave it the power of law.

Critics in the ACLU and Human Rights centers have abandoned their comfort zones and attacked the president from the left for crossing the Rubicon on rights, as they rightly should.

Now is the time for more to join that call; for Americans of all stripes to speak out against so-called "laws" that enable blatant political targeting of dissidents and declare a war against the citizens of this country. Make no mistake, if we sit idly by and let this precedent become accepted-- like the Patriot Act, with the appearance of law-- more and more unconstitutional legislation will obviously take hold.

2012 US Terrorist Identification Card

Source: Ahijab


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