
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Second American Revolution Has Begun

Source: Natural News.com
Mike Adams

There's a sense of desperation in America today. Their jobs are being exported out of the country, their health insurance is being dropped by employers, their dollars are becoming increasingly worthless with each passing day and their futures don't look very promising. They're angry, frustrated and desperate, so they take to the streets and protest. Occupy Wall Street! Occupy The Fed! Take to the streets!

It's the right thing to do, but what most protesters -- and nearly all Americans -- don't fully grasp is that nearly every powerful institution is a criminal racket. It's not just Wall Street that's operated like a criminal mob, folks: It's the U.S. Congress. It's the health care industry. It's conventional agriculture, the mainstream media, the processed food manufacturers, the government regulators and of course the entire military industrial complex.

Nearly everything around you is a criminal operation. The banks openly steal your homes while laundering money for global drug lords. The U.S. government runs illegal guns into Mexico while allowing cocaine and heroin back into the USA to be sold at pumped-up black market prices. The mainstream media broadcasts outright lies and complete fabrications as if they were fact. Much of modern medical "science" is complete quackery or fiction, funded by corporations for the purpose of expanding corporate power. The local water supply is intentionally contaminated with toxic poisons known as "fluoride," and the local food supply is tainted with other dangerous chemicals like aspartame, MSG and BPA.

NATO Preps for World War?

Source: The Daily Bell

According to reliable sources, China has attempted to warn Russia of US and NATO plans to initiate a global armed conflict. This conflict has reportedly moved from the drawing board to an activation stage. According to both Chinese and Russian Intelligence Sources, the US and NATO plans include among other, the deliberate implosion of the US- and EU Economies, destroying the worlds financial systems, and the launching of a massive conventional war throughout North America, Africa and Asia, as well as the Middle East. The war plans include the release of biological warfare agents designed to kill millions if not billions of people. The NATO strategists rely on their ability to sue for peace when the coming conflict is at its highest, to call for the establishment of a "New World Order" under the pretext of preventing the destruction of the planet and civilization as we know it. – NSNBC by Dr. Christof Lehmann

The Week In Alternative News

Is Syria the Next Target for Western Libya-style "Humanitarian" Intervention?

Source: End The Lie
Madison Ruppert

With the destruction of Libya winding down, the Western imperialist machine is looking for the next target for destabilization and exploitation.

If John McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, is any indication, it is likely the case that Syria is on the top of the list.

I have speculated about Syria being the next target for foreign military intervention under the guise of humanitarianism for several months now, dating back to early April.

The evidence for this position has only grown since then and the public statements from McCain at a meeting of the World Economic Forum in Jordan made it that much more concrete.

“Now that military operations in Libya are ending, there will be renewed focus on what practical military operations might be considered to protect civilian lives in Syria,” said McCain at the World Economic Forum meeting.

The situation in Syria is far from transparent as the armed status of the “protesters” is regularly glossed over in the Western corporate media.

Gaddafi Flying White Flag When Killed

Source: Infowars
Kurt Nimmo

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen said his sources in Libya provided information revealing Moammar Gaddafi was set-up in an assassination plot.

Early on October 19, Twitter messages from Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte reported the presence of white flags across the devastated town. Flags were reported at multiple locations in the town, leaving some to believe the rebels were surrendering.

The use of white flags to signal surrender is an ancient tradition going back to the Eastern Han dynasty in China and the Roman Empire. Violating the widely accept convention is considered an act of extreme treachery.

Under both the Geneva and Hague protocols of international humanitarian law, it is forbidden to kill or injure persons hors de combat (outside of combat) and doing so constitutes a major war crime.

For Self Determination We Need Free Currencies!

Source: Activist Post
Anthony Migchels

We can all agree on one thing: our money is at the heart of economic problems. It is issued at interest by private banks and inflated and deflated and nowadays stagflated at will. It finances those it owns or wants to own and starves the rest. It has literally financed and bought the world as we know it today.

Everything we want, socially equitable relations, ecological sustainability, room for personal development, etc, will have to be financed and today's money will not, and frankly, cannot do it.


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