
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Corbett Report Radio - Solutions: People Power

Source: Corbett Report
James Corbett

With so much dire news making headlines, from the NDAA to the growth of the police state to the war with Iran, it’s easy to be tricked into thinking that the march toward the New World Order is inevitable. Tonight on The Corbett Report we expose the pessimism psy-op and show how time and time again, on issue after issue from civil liberties to health freedoms to anti-globalization, all of the power is in the hands of the people.


Works Cited:

Mario Savio: Sproul Hall Steps, December 2, 1964
DNS provision pulled from SOPA, victory for opponents
SOPA is Back in Action and Off the “Shelf” Just In Time for the Blackouts
Five key senators abandon online piracy bills amid Web protests
As If You Needed Another Reason to Hate F*cking GoDaddy
December 29th Is Leave GoDaddy Day
Go Daddy No Longer Supports SOPA
Open Thread: How to Undo ObamaCare
TSA chief says ‘opt-out’ boycott would be a mistake
TSA Opt-Out Protest Likely Ineffective
TSA turns off naked body scanners to avoid opt-out day protests
Some Gulf Troops Refusing Vaccine Against Anthrax
Judge Halts Forced Anthrax Vaccines
Half of U.S. Military Personnel Refuse Anthrax Shot
Soldier faces threats from military after refusing anthrax vaccine
N.Y. health care workers protest mandatory H1N1 flu shots
C’mon health workers, get your swine flu shots
British Nurses refuse to have the swine flu vaccination
Update on New York Mandatory H1N1 Vaccinations
Federal advisers endorse testing anthrax vaccine in children
Calgary removing fluoride from water supply
Lakeshore removes fluoride from water supply

Iran Threatens To Torpedo US Aircrafts

Source: Prison Planet
Paul Joseph Watson

Three US warships stationed in waters near Strait of Hormuz

A senior Iranian military commander has warned that Iran has the capability to sink US aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf using detection-evading submarines that can fire torpedoes.

Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Army’s Self-Sufficiency Jihad Rear Admiral Farhad Amiri, “Stated that Iran’s submarines are able to ambush and hit enemy vessels specially US Aircraft carriers from the seabed throughout the Persian Gulf,” reports the Fars News Agency.

Amiri said that while the United States was focused on Iran’s surface capabilities, the greater threat was posed by its fleet of submarines which, “Are noiseless and can easily evade detection as they are equipped with the sonar-evading technology and can fire missiles and torpedoes simultaneously.”

Amiri added that the submarines could “easily target and hit an aircraft carrier traversing in the nearby regions.”

After the US sailed the USS John C. Stennis aircraft carrier through the Strait of Hormuz in the midst of Iranian wargames, Iranian Army Commander Major General Ataollah Salehi warned America to keep its warships out of the region.

The US has made it clear that should Iran try to block the Strait of Hormuz, a key oil choke point, a “red line” will have been crossed.

Three US aircraft carriers are now stationed just outside Iranian waters, in addition to 15,000 troops that were sent to Kuwait at the end of last week.

A massive joint naval drill between the US and Israel that was set to coincide with Iranian wargames later this month was postponed earlier this week, with explanations varying as to why the exercise was called off.

Russia, which has its own warships stationed in the region, today reiterated its opposition to a military strike on Iran, with foreign minister Sergei Lavrov warning an attack would be a “catastrophe” for relations between Sunni and Shiite Muslims in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has stated that Israel is still “very far off” a decision on whether not not to attack Iran over its nuclear program.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Ron Paul Moves To Repeal Indefinite Detention Of American Citizens Without Trial

Source: MOXNews

In a break from his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, Paul took to the House floor to speak out against the NDAA's Section 1021, which allows the government to detain without trial individuals who have "substantially supported al Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States." Paul and other opponents of the section's language fear that the legislation could lead to Americans being detained without due process.

Internet Blackout Highlights Failure of American Politics

Source: Activist Post
J.G. Vibes

Our whole lives we have been told that we have “freedom”, that we live in a “democracy”, that “we the people” have the ability to choose the kind of society in which we want to live.

However, if you ask most Americans what kind of place they want, I guarantee you that a vast majority would disagree with almost every government action that has been put forward in their lifetime.

If we truly lived in a free society, we would not be in a half-dozen wars across the planet; we would not be subject to authoritarian policies such as the PATRIOT act and the NDAA; and the government would not have grown to become the biggest and most menacing dictatorship in the history of the world.  It seems that in the past year these major events have really resonated with a great number of people, not just in this country, but throughout the world.

In the past, the oppressed would beg and plead with the very people who were responsible for their condition because they knew no other way of affecting change in society.  People would ask the government to change their ways because they were under the impression that those in authority actually cared about them.  After generations of failing to create change through politics, people are now shifting the direction of their message towards one another, instead of pleading with politicians and organizations that don’t care about anyone but themselves.

With the recent protests surrounding SOPA and PIPA, we have really seen this new method of protest becoming more pronounced.  Sure, there are still millions drafting petitions and thousands joining marches and making signs.  However, nowadays these people don’t seem to be petitioning their government; it seems that more and more they are petitioning their fellow citizens.  This is because the government is an obstacle; one which stands between the people and their freedom.  Therefore, it is completely impossible to solely use the government as a tool to achieve freedom; this would be like trying to use a hammer to fix a broken computer, in both cases you’re only going to make the problem worse.

Luckily, most Americans have learned all of this just in time for the pivotal votes this month regarding online privacy.  SOPA and PIPA may seem unimportant when compared with the police state, the military industrial complex, genetically modified food and banking cartels, but if you think about it, without the Internet we would have an immense amount of difficulty dealing with any of the aforementioned problems.  Thanks to the Internet, these issues have gone from taboo subjects to national issues in just a matter of years, which is the whole reason for the rollout of the SOPA and PIPA acts to begin with.

Many of us sat and watched horrified from our homes, as Obama signed the NDAA into law, after he promised us that he wouldn’t.  With this betrayal still fresh in the public consciousness, fewer people are downplaying the authoritarian moves that our government is making, and of those people even fewer are considering politics as a viable method of achieving social change.

The Secret Behind SOPA

Source: Prison Planet
Paul Joseph Watson

It’s the end of the Internet as we know it
The secret behind SOPA, the so-called anti-piracy bill which is today the target of an unprecedented backlash with Wikileaks and other major websites ‘going dark’ to protest the legislation, has nothing to do with piracy or copyright theft – it’s about the formal effort to mimic Communist China’s system of Internet censorship.

But don’t take our word for it, listen to what Joe Lieberman, co-sponsor of PIPA, SOPA’s sister version in the Senate, said about the purpose behind the US government’s efforts to control the Internet under the guise of cybersecurity.

Lieberman characterized fears that the US government would use such powers to censor political content as “total misinformation,” yet goes on to admit that the purpose behind the agenda is to mimic China’s ability to “disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war,” adding, “we need that here too”.

Of course, Communist China’s “war” is not against foreign terrorists or hackers, it’s targeted against people who dare to use the Internet to express dissent against government atrocities or corruption. China’s system of Internet policing is about crushing freedom of speech and has nothing to do with legitimate security concerns as Lieberman well knows.

Having largely failed in his bid to use fears over cyberwarfare, bearing in mind it was the United States and Israel who launched the Stuxnet attack, to achieve the ultimate goal of Internet control, Lieberman has returned with the same agenda only under a different guise – the Protect Intellectual Property Act – of which he is the co-sponsor.

Whether the justification is cybersecurity or anti-piracy, the end game remains the ability to seize control over the Internet and shut down websites on a whim.

Pressure Israel, Not Iran. Israel has an Arsenal of 200-300 Nuclear Weapons

Source: Global Research
Prof. Marjorie Cohn

Neocons in Israel and the United States are escalating their rhetoric to prepare us for war with Iran. Even the infamous John Yoo, architect of George W. Bush’s illegal torture and spying programs, is calling on the Republican presidential candidates to “begin preparing the case for a military strike to destroy Iran’s nuclear program.”

Under the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Iran has the legal right to produce nuclear power for peaceful purposes. The United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has found no evidence that Iran is developing a nuclear weapons program. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta recently said on CBS that Iran is not currently trying to build a nuclear weapon. 

Nevertheless, the United States and Israel are mounting a campaign of aggression against Iran. The United States has imposed punishing sanctions against Iran that are crippling Iran’s economy, and pressuring other countries and strong-arming financial institutions to stop buying oil from Iran, the world’s third largest exporter.  The Obama administration is also preparing new punitive measures that target the Central Bank of Iran. And the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to pass the Iran Threat Reduction Act of 2011 which would outlaw any contact between U.S. government employees and some Iranian officials.

There is also evidence that Israel, with the possible assistance of the United States, has orchestrated the assassinations of at least five Iranian nuclear scientists or engineers since 2007. The New York Times reported: “The campaign, which experts believe is being carried out mainly by Israel, apparently claimed its latest victim on [January 11] when a bomb killed a 32-year-old nuclear scientist in Tehran’s morning rush hour.” These assassinations constitute acts of terrorism. There have also been cyber-attacks on Iranian centrifuges and an explosion at a missile facility last year that killed a senior general and 16 other people.

These acts of aggression are designed to provoke Iran to retaliate, including possibly closing the Strait of Hormuz, which will spark a war that could spread to the entire Middle East.

In addition, the United States has shifted combat troops and warships to the Middle East, and supplied Israel with bunker-busting bombs. Moreover, President Barack Obama has deployed 9,000 U.S. troops to Israel to participate later this year with thousands of Israeli troops in “war games” to test the U.S./Israeli air defense system; this exercise will be the largest ever joint drill between the two countries. Panetta said the exercise is designed “to back up our unshakable commitment to Israel’s security.” 

Iran is not a threat to Israel’s security. Iran has not attacked any country in some 200 years. In 1953, the CIA engineered a coup that replaced a democratic government in Iran with the vicious Shah. He ruled Iran with an iron hand for 25 years, wreaking torture and terror on Iranians while keeping Iran open to Western investment. When I visited Iran in 1978 as a human rights observer, there were dozens of U.S. corporations in downtown Tehran. One year later, the chickens came home to roost. The Iranian revolution overthrew the Shah, replacing him with a tyrannical theocracy that continues to violate the rights of the Iranian people. But that does not mean that Iran, if it does obtain nuclear weapons, will attack Israel. The Iranian government knows that Israel and the United States would retaliate with unimaginable military force that would devastate Iran and much of the Middle East. 

The Fastest Growing Bank in the West

Source: Boiling Frogs Post
Bill Bergman

Defending our Future in the Financial System


SharkInvestors and regulators are frequently cautioned that rapid growth in banking can be a sign of trouble.  With most of their incoming cash protected by public guarantees like deposit insurance, banks can grow by taking on more risk without as much sensitivity to deposit costs as they would if the public safety net were not in place.

For example, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (a bank regulator) produces “An Examiner’s Guide to Problem Bank Identification, Rehabilitation, and Resolution.”   In listing six ‘red flags,’ the guide’s first red flag, front and center, is ‘Rapid Growth and Aggressive Growth Strategies.’  This section includes:
Excessive growth, particularly as measured against local, regional, and national economic indicators, has long been viewed as a potential precursor to credit quality problems. Such growth can strain bank underwriting and risk selection standards, as well as the capacity of management, existing internal control structures and administrative processes.
Over the last six years, amidst the worst financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression, a large and significant player in the financial markets has also been one of the fastest growing banks on the planet.  That organization is the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

What a Financial Crisis Can Do to a Central Bank Balance Sheet
Total assets on the books of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks came to $2.9 trillion by year-end 2011.  The Reserve Bank balance sheets have mushroomed in recent years; their total assets rose sharply with the Fed buying investments from, and lending money to, the private sector.  Their total liabilities also rose sharply as bank deposits at Federal Reserve Banks jumped due to monetary policy actions, and as banks had higher confidence in holding deposits with Reserve Banks compared to holding them at other banks.

Here is a look at total year-end assets on the books of the Federal Reserve Banks since 2003.

FED assets

Mossad Insider: Iranian Scientist Assassination "A Precursor To A Military Strike"

Source: Infowars
Steve Watson

Iranian Vice President vows to make enemies “repent” for “terrorist actions”

The Sunday Times reports (from behind a pay wall) that Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan was assassinated last week by the Israeli intelligence network Mossad as part of a “precursor to a military strike”.

The Times claims that a reliable source, a Mossad insider, says he was part of a group that killed Roshan last week in Iran as he made his way to work at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility.

The source told the Times that the operation was planned months in advance and a Mossad team had been monitoring Roshan’s activities and taking note of his schedule, so as to decide when and where to kill him.

“There is zero tolerance for mistakes. By nature, every failure not only risks the neck of the agents but also risks turning into an international scandal,” said the Israeli source.
From Ha’aretz:
According to the Sunday Times, Roshan, 32, was monitored from a makeshift control room in a safe house nearby as he was preparing to leave for work. Israeli agents were also watching the entrance to Iranian intelligence headquarters in the city center, when they noticed a number of cars and people running, followed by police rushing into the nearby streets. Another agent monitoring radio traffic between the Tehran police and security forces confirmed unusual activity, said the paper.
The report states that as Roshan’s bodyguard was driving him to Natanz uranium enrichment site, where he served as director, a masked person on a motorbike weaved through traffic, planting a bomb on the car shaped to deliver its full force at the passenger.
Both British and U.S. officials have denied any role in the assassination. “We were not involved in any way with regards to the assassination that took place there,” said Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, adding that he had “some idea” of who was.

Last week, another Mossad source indicated that the assassination also incorporated the CIA-backed terrorist group Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK).

The Iranian regime says it too has direct evidence that Mossad, as well as the CIA, was involved in the assassination.

The U.S. Government Funded the Iranian Terrorist Group Which “Found” The Documents Upon Which the Warmongers Are Relying

Source: Washington's Blog

Smoking Gun Documents On Iran “Found” By US-Backed Terror Group


The people pushing for war against Iran are the same neocons who pushed for war against Iraq. See this and this. (They planned both wars at least 20 years ago.)

The IAEA report being trumpted as a casus belli contains no new information, but is based on a re-hashing of old, debunked claims stemming from “laptop documents”.

State Department cables released by Wikileaks reveal that the new IAEA head was heavily backed by the U.S., based upon his promises of fealty to the U.S. Indeed, as we’ve seen in the nuclear energy arena, the IAEA is not a neutral, fact-based organization, but a wholly-captured, political agency.
But where did the documents come from originally?
As Gareth Porter noted in 2008:
The George W. Bush administration has long pushed the “laptop documents” – 1,000 pages of technical documents supposedly from a stolen Iranian laptop – as hard evidence of Iranian intentions to build a nuclear weapon. Now charges based on those documents pose the only remaining obstacles to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) declaring that Iran has resolved all unanswered questions about its nuclear programme.
But those documents have long been regarded with great suspicion by U.S. and foreign analysts. German officials have identified the source of the laptop documents in November 2004 as the Mujahideen e Khalq (MEK), which along with its political arm, the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI), is listed by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist organisation.
Interestingly, the Bush Administration – and especially Dick Cheney – helped to fund the MEK (see confirming articles here and here).

And the New York Times, Washington Post and others are reporting that Rudy Giuliani, former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, former national security adviser Fran Townsend and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey are supporting the MEK as well.

Police State International: The Globalization of Control

Source: Boiling Frogs Post
James Corbett

With the National Defense Authorization Act, the Enemy Expatriation Act, and other startling measures by the US government to crack down on their own population making headlines around the world at the moment, the idea of an American police state is becoming all too familiar a tale. Less examined, however, are the international aspects of this encroaching police state, a high-tech 21st century control grid which adheres to no national boundaries and whose influence is increasingly being felt in countries throughout the so-called “free world.”

Romney and Obama Share Same Bankster Campaign Contributors

Source: Infowars
Kurt Nimmo

Like Obama, Mitt Romney is a wind-up doll for Wall Street and the bankers. There is virtually no difference between them despite all the fetid air from the GOP propaganda machine.

This is revealed by a quick look at Romney’s top contributors. An Open Secrets page on top Romney contributors reads like a Who’s Who of Wall Street and the financial cartel. The top contributor is Goldman Sachs, followed by Credit Suisse Group, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, UBS, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Barclays – major players in the Wall Street and City of London bankster constellation.

Bain Capital is also on the list. It is a “financial services” and investment firm co-founded by Romney. Bain owns the establishment media propaganda conglomerate Clear Channel, which explains why “conservative” talk show hosts like Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin are supporting Romney, especially with the strong showing of Ron Paul in the primaries. Both Savage (real name Weiner) and Levin have gone so far as to call Paul a threat to the country.

In December, Mitt refused to release the identity of his “bundlers,” or people who gather contributions from many individuals in an organization or community and give the cash to the campaign.

In other words, the above list is only the tip of the iceberg. Romney’s lack of transparency about his bundlers indicates he is getting money from sources that want their identity concealed.

In November, it was reported that Jimmy Lee, a veteran Wall Street investment banker, and three other top executives at JP Morgan Chase & Co hosted a $2,500-per-person reception for Romney.

“I am committed to doing all that I can to help his campaign because I also believe he is the strongest challenger to President Obama,” Lee told Reuters. Lee said he has known Romney for almost all of his Wall Street career and that he made one of the first loans to Romney at Bain Capital.

It is not clear why Mr. Lee opposes Obama – his campaign contributors are almost a carbon copy of Mitt’s. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan (where Lee worked), Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, USB and many of the same players donated heavily to Obama’s campaign in 2008.

It should be obvious by now that the dog and pony show known as the “election cycle” in the United States is a musical chairs affair with the same gaggle of bankers and transnational corporations calling the shots.


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