End The Lie
Madison Ruppert
The Pentagon is now pushing to send a massive floating base which
will serve as a staging point for commando squads in the Middle East, a
move which I think can be easily traced back to the constantly rising
tensions with Iran over the Strait of Hormuz and their alleged nuclear
weapons program.
Of course, they only say that this is part of the reason, just like
they claim that the massively increased American presence in the region
is nothing to be concerned about while obviously it is.
The other threats they claim justify this move are al Qaeda in Yemen, Somali pirates, and more.
This move is supposedly being made at the behest of United States
Central Command (CENTCOM) which is at the helm of all of the military
operations going on throughout the Middle East.
The Navy will be converting an old warship which was going to be
decommissioned into a floating staging base for commando operations.
This makes me wonder, why the emphasis on the fact that it is an
aging vessel that was going to be decommissioned? Could this perhaps be a
set up for a false flag to be blamed on Iran? The possibility is there
and should be considered.
The makeshift base has been unofficially dubbed a “mothership” and is
capable of launching smaller high-speed boats and the types of
helicopters which are typically utilized by the Navy SEALs according to
procurement documents brought to my attention by
The Washington Post.
This new move is being chalked up to the shift in military focus
under the Obama administration’s “new” strategy – which many have
rightly pointed out is not actually that new and in fact contains some
major contradictions
– to a heavier reliance on Special Forces operations in order to make
the American military “leaner and more agile” in the face of at least
$487 billion in spending cuts at the Pentagon over the next ten years.
I think that this latest deployment should be emphasized because the
military refuses to discuss where exactly this new “mothership” will be
deployed in the Middle East.