
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cameron: Internet Crackdown Ahead

Source: Infowars
Kurt Nimmo

On Monday, David Cameron went before an international cyberspace conference in London and said it was “essential to strike a balance between the needs of online security and the right to free expression.” 

“We cannot leave cyberspace open to the criminals and the terrorists that threaten our security and our prosperity but at the same time we cannot just go down the heavy-handed route,” he said. 

John Kampfner, the chief executive of the Index on Censorship, clarified Cameron’s comments: 

“It’s very easy to defend the case of black and white – human rights against dictatorships around the world. But as soon as our own Western-style stability of the state is called into question, well then freedom of expression is expendable. There should be one rule for all including Western governments.”

Cameron’s comments are viewed as a response to China and Russia. Both countries have pushed for tighter regulation of the internet through binding international treaties.

In the United States, the government has used a mostly phantom cyber threat to call for draconian legislation to control the internet. In January, Sens. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) renewed their call for an “internet kill switch” that would allow the president to shut down the internet in response to a national emergency. 

The effort came as the Egyptian government shut down the internet in response to demonstrations calling for the removal of president Hosni Mubarak. The move demonstrated that governments have the ability and technical capacity to shut down the internet in response to political crises.

President Obama Holds Secret Meet-and-Greet With Hollywood Execs and Influencers

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Before he left Los Angeles for San Francisco on Tuesday, President Barack Obama stopped for an undisclosed meeting with some of the entertainment industry's high-level executives, as well as talent representatives with access to the industry's top stars and musical acts, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

Among the small group of industry insiders who were invited to attended the early-morning meeting with the president at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel were: Weinstein Co. studio head Harvey Weinstein, CAA managing partner and music head Rob Light, ICM president Chris Silbermann, Modern Family creator Steve Levitan, Atlantic Records chairman Craig Kallman, producer/songwriter Bruce Roberts, talent manger and producer Jason Weinberg, UTA music agent Rob Prinz, talent manager and producer Eric Ortner, Island Def Jam senior vice president Karen Kwak, Warner Bros. Records president Livia Tortella, talent manager Greg Mertz, ID PR publicists Kelly Bush and Mara Buxbaum, talent managers Bruce Flohr, Michael Green, Steve Moir and Bill Silva, Universial Music Publishing Group executive vice president and head of creative Tom Sturges, entertainment attorney Chuck Ortner and actor/activist Kal Penn.

Globalist Using London Cyberspace Summit to Push for Global Internet Treaty

Source: Activist Post
Eric Blair

For the next two days, leaders from around the globe will collude with tech giants to discuss how to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the Internet. Translation: they'll be negotiating a global Internet treaty.

It's reported that officials from 60 countries will join Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Tudou.com (Chinese video sharing site), as well as cyber crime agencies, and computer security firms at the London Conference on Cyberspace.

The London summit is hosted by Foreign Secretary, William Hague, who said the purpose is to "discuss ideas and expected behavior in cyberspace".

To which he claims the goal is bring together major players to determine how "collectively, we should respond to the challenges and opportunities which the development of cyberspace presents."

A few days before the conference, Council on Foreign Relations members Adam Segal and Matthew Waxman wrote that the conference presents those calling for a global Internet treaty with "a step in that direction."
They also pointed out that NATO allies have already essentially agreed to a treaty; "June 2011, NATO defense ministers agreed to a collective vision of cyber defense, and the United States and Australia recently announced that their mutual defense treaty extends to cyberspace."

Federally-Funded Street Lights Capable of "Recording Conversations"

Source: Prison Planet
Paul Joseph Watson

Orwellian ‘Intellistreets’ system now being installed in major cities.

Federally-funded high-tech street lights now being installed in American cities are not only set to aid the DHS in making “security announcements” and acting as talking surveillance cameras, they are also capable of “recording conversations,” bringing the potential privacy threat posed by ‘Intellistreets’ to a whole new level.

In the days after we first brought attention to the privacy concerns surrounding the new street lights, with our story featuring prominently on the Drudge Report website, the company behind them, Illuminating Concepts, went on the defensive, issuing a press release claiming the devices didn’t represent a “big brother” intrusion.

However, as you can see from the video above, ‘Intellistreets’ is big brother on steroids. George Orwell himself would probably have considered the concept too far-fetched to appear in the dystopian classic 1984.

Not only can the street lights, now being rolled out in Detroit, Chicago and Pittsburgh with Department of Energy backing, act as surveillance cameras, Minority Report-style advertising hubs, and Homeland Security alert systems, they are “also capable of recording conversations,” reports ABC 7.

In their press release, the company behind the street lights also denied that they had received DHS funding for the system. In the aftermath of the controversy generated last week, ABC 7 reports that owner Ron Harwood is now “working with Homeland Security” to implement the high tech network, which is connected via a ubiquitous wi-fi system.


Source: Giza Death Star
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Someone sent me the following link about recent leaked papers from the Federal Reserve, and the comments they evoked from a sitting US Senator:

OK…beyond the stupid picture of Bernanke with the camera looking up at him…a typical ploy of propagandists to deify their subjects … what the article states is, to me, quite interesting. First, we note that it was an independent US Senator, Bernie Sanders, that had the guts to point out Federal Reserve corruption. We hear little about it from Republithugs or Dummycrooks, other than Ron Paul. The same Senator Sanders also asks the significant question: has the Fed become the central bank of the world?

But I suggest, the honorable Mr. Sanders’ comments notwithstanding, that the real shockers – for most people anyway – are three statements that the author of the post, David DeGraw, makes:

(1)”All the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations got their cut;” and let’s not forget

(2) “People throughout the world who keep using the dollar are either A) Part of the scam; B) Oblivious to reality; C) Believe that US military power will be able to maintain the value of an otherwise worthless currency; D) All of the above.”

OK…true enough. What Mr DeGraw is getting at here is something I’ve commented on myself, namely, that in the ponzi scheme of central banks issuing monetized debt as a nation’s currency, i.e., issuing the facsimile of money, is that the ultimate collateral on the debt is the nation and its people itself. The racketeering and corruption are thus inherent to the system, and Mr. DeGraw is right in implying that the RICO act comes into play here, for “crony capitalism” resembles nothing so much as the ‘business’ of organized crime.

I point out that in this system, especially when a nation like the US has shipped most of its manufacturing overseas – and both the Dummycrooks and Republithugs have been complicit in this “free market” nonsense, the result is that the backing of the dollar as a reserve currency comes down to force…. the “backing” in other words, is the US military, and this we have seen ample evidence of in the past few months and years.  It means inevitably that unless we can get a handle on this runaway corruption, and put our monetary and fiscal house in order, that a geopolitical clash is inevitable.

(3) “The Progressive’s Matthew Rothschild has a good quote: ‘The financial bailout was a giant boondoggle, undemocratic and kleptocratic to its core.’”

This is the statement I found to be the most interesting in the whole article. I have no idea if Matthew Rothschild is a member of the far-flung banking clan or not, but I rather suspect, given its size, that he is. I have previously blogged about another Rothschild bankster who also called for the end of the Eurozone or at least a massive restructuing of it. Well, that has happened. What intrigues me is that the statements of Matthew Rothschild indicate more than just a bit of a fissure between the Rockefeller group and the Rothschild group, for as I pointed out in Babylon’s Banksters, the primary target of the Gaussian copula formula of David Li were Rothschild interests and secondarily the Rockefeller interests.

I suspect that these banking moves by the Fed are signals that there is a real struggle occurring for who will influence Europe the most: the Fed, or, as we saw this week with the quiet Chinese support of the new bailout package announced by Chancellorin Merkel are her French counterpart, a new role for China in Europe.  It’s getting interesting folks!

World's Most Powerful Laser to Tear Apart the Vacuum of Space

Source: The Telegraph
Richard Gray
A laser powerful enough to tear apart the fabric of space could be built in Britain as part major new scientific project that aims to answer some of the most fundamental questions about our universe. 

Due to follow in the footsteps of the Large Hadron Collider, the latest "big science" experiment being proposed by physicists will see the world's most powerful laser being constructed.
Capable of producing a beam of light so intense that it would be equivalent to the power received by the Earth from the sun focused onto a speck smaller than a tip of a pin, scientists claim it could allow them boil the very fabric of space – the vacuum. 
Contrary to popular belief, a vacuum is not devoid of material but in fact fizzles with tiny mysterious particles that pop in and out of existence, but at speeds so fast that no one has been able to prove they exist. 

The Extreme Light Infrastructure Ultra-High Field Facility would produce a laser so intense that scientists say it would allow them to reveal these particles for the first time by pulling this vacuum "fabric" apart.

They also believe it could even allow them to prove whether extra-dimensions exist.


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