The Intel Hub
R.F. Goggon
Are you a socially conscious American citizen? Do you pay much
attention to what takes place beyond the confines of your own cozy,
little piece of property or self-interests? If you think I mean whether
or not you know if Lindsay Lohan is in or out of jail, then
sadly, I might suggest that perhaps you have fallen prey to what fodder
it may be of which is being methodically drummed into you. Indeed, if in
fact you should find yourself familiar with the details of such an
inconsequential matter, then I would go so far as to say that there is a
high probability that you are in the process of being manipulated like a
commercial commodity by people out to control your mind – to fatten their wallets or purses.
One may not feel so much that they can be adversely affected by what
they see as they watch the news, listen to the radio, or surf the
Internet, but they could hardly be more mistaken I reckon. There are
reasons that go far beyond the competitive financial aspirations of big
media to try to keep you as silly and stupid as may possibly be. In
fact, there is a concentrated collusion of behind the scenes,
interconnected folk in my estimation, who want nothing more than to dumb
down the American public in general into a sheep-like state. It is for
just such reasons that the citizenship of the U.S. will seldom see the
coffins of dead soldiers returning home, for just one stark and somber
example of media manipulation. This of course, has nothing to do with
respect for the dead or for their families, but is more about
maintaining the hierarchical ‘status flow’, for lack of a better term.
What comes into one’s living space via the mainstream media in the
U.S.A., undoubtedly has been carefully devised for
absolute maximum financial and personally exploitative effect. Since
they know how you can’t resist a scandal of which seethes among the rich
or powerful, for instance, they will always strive to provide you with
one. They also know, only too well, that there are very many folks who
seek to escape their ordinariness by harboring an inkling for fame and
fortune, and so they will try to play their audience like a proverbial fiddle in this such regard as well.
Logically, one must assume, if what may be newsworthy that does not
appear within the news is by default an intentional maneuver, rather
than some gross or negligent oversight, then you had better believe that
all the mindlessly trivial nonsense which you are being subjected to
upon a daily basis by virtue of nearly every mainstream media news
outlet in America; such as your steady doses of ‘celebrity gossip’, even
upon a website such as CNN, is without any doubt being sent your way to
invoke premeditated reactions. And this such ‘glamorization’ within the
realm of news reporting, has of course, not once ever been designed for
or delivered to the airwaves (or to cyberspace), because it may
actually be beneficial information to those consuming it.