
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Police Fire Tear Gas, Flashbang Grenades and Rubber Bullets at Peaceful Protesters

Source: Global Research.ca
Washington's Blog

This is not Egypt, Greece or Italy … this is America:

The injured gentlemen is Veterans for Peace member Scott Olsen, allegedly shot with a rubber bullet.

This is another gentlemen allegedly shot in the face with a rubber bullet (his injury is above his right eye, while the injury to Scott Olsen appears to be on the left side of his face):

And a policeman threw a flash grenade into a crowd trying to help an injured protester:

Some are calling this the “new Kent State”.
And protesters from Tahrir Square, Egypt, say this is what it looked like there.

Bummer: Feds Stonewall Pot Treatments For Traumatized Vets

Souce: Wired.com/Danger Room
Katie Drummond

An Arizona psychiatrist is tantalizingly close to federal approval for a groundbreaking study of marijuana’s potency in treating PTSD — if only the National Institute on Drug Abuse would stop stonewalling her.

Dr. Sue Sisley, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and a psychiatrist whose practice treats mostly war veterans, wants to add evidence-based science to the ubiquitous anecdotal reports, not to mention animal research, that point to marijuana’s effectiveness at quelling symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Although plenty of vets smoke up, medical marijuana can only be prescribed to PTSD sufferers living in New Mexico — where 27 percent of those with an approved ID card suffer from PTSD, making it the state’s number one qualifying diagnosis — and nary a study has evaluated whether the illicit drug actually works.

“Plenty of the veterans I’ve treated use marijuana, only they usually buy it illegally and use it covertly,” Sisley told Danger Room. “With research, we can actually figure out which symptoms it might help with, and what an optimal dosing strategy might look like.”

"Anonymous" Set To Destroy Fox News Website on November 5th

Source: RT

An attack on Fox News from the hacker group Anonymous has been a longtime coming. Now the collective says that an infiltration on the website for the Fair and Balanced news network will occur next month with Operation Fox Hunt slated for November 5.

An operative with the hacktivist group Anonymous narrates a video posted to the Web on October 22 that announces that an all-out attack on the Fox News website will come next month as retaliation for the network’s unjust attack on protesters with the Occupy Wall Street movement.

“Since they will not stop ridiculing the occupiers, we will simply shut them down,” says the digitzed voice in the recent YouTube clip. “Fox News, your time has come . . . Operation Fox Hunt. November 5th. May the hunt begin,” the narrator adds.

Former Goldman Sachs Director Caught up in Wall Street's biggest Insider Trading Scandal 'to surrender to FBI'

Source: Daily Mail

An ex-Goldman Sachs executive is facing charges of insider trading, sources have claimed. 

Multimillionaire Rajat Gupta, 62, is expected to shortly surrender to the FBI on criminal charges of leaking inside information to Galleon Group hedge fund founder Raj Rajaratnam.

Billionaire Rajaratnam was given 11 years in prison earlier this month by a New York court, the longest sentence ever handed down for insider trading.

Mr Gupta, who was also once the global head of elite consultancy McKinsey & Co, is one of the most prominent business executives to be caught up in the Government's insider-trading probe.

Wartime Contracting Commission Classifies Findings for Next 20 Years

Source: AntiWar.com
John Glaser
Although the Commission on Wartime Contracting was created to expose waste and abuse, their records are sealed until 2031

The Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan has decided to not reveal its full findings and materials to the public for another two decades, despite its stated purposes of investigating and exposing government waste.

The Commission has been at work for three years, revealing that up to $60 billion in US war funds were lost due to waste, fraud, and abuse. One report concluded that “criminal behavior and blatant corruption” were directly responsible for much of the waste in the expensive “reconstruction”projects in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2002. It also found that one in every six contracting and grant dollars spent in Iraq and Afghanistan has been wasted.

But the Commission now says it won’t allow its full records to be opened to the public at the National Archives until 2031, because, according to one official, some of the documents contain “sensitive information.” Evidence of government theft, profligacy, criminality, and waste is indeed sensitive information. That revealing these things was the purpose of the Commission seems lost on those deciding to hide important information from Americans.

Throughout United States history, that information which has been withheld from the public has primarily been withheld to prevent voters from having the chance to make informed decisions about their political leaders. The Obama administration came in promising unprecedented transparency in government, but this is yet another example of keeping the workings of government secret so as to insulate Washington bureaucrats from accountability.

Libya Shattered As Per NATO Plan; Gaddafi's Family Seeks Justice at the Hague

Source: Corbett Report
James Corbett on RT

Relatives of the slain Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi are reportedly looking to The Hague with a ‘war crimes’ lawsuit against NATO. They accuse the Alliance of deliberately targeting Gaddafi’s convoy, which they say posed no threat to civilians. NATO was only allowed into Libya by the UN solely to protect citizens. Meanwhile, the military alliance has postponed its preliminary decision to end its Libya mission by the end of this month, following calls from the interim government to stay on.


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