
Monday, November 7, 2011

Attack on Iran: Hitlerian Act of Aggression

Source: Land Destoryer Report
Tony Cartalucci

As the rhetoric for war with Iran begins to mount, first with the staged DEA-Saudi bomb plot, and now with an upcoming IAEA report supposedly "exposing" Iran's nuclear arms ambitions, it is important to re-read through the signed confessions by the corporate-fascist interests behind this drive for war where it is admitted that:

1. Iran poses no threat to US national security - even if they acquired nuclear arms- rather Iran threatens US interests throughout the Middle East, half-way across the planet.
2. Iran desperately wants to avoid armed conflict with both Israel and the West and would use nuclear weapons merely as a defensive deterrence.
3. The US and Israel are actively looking to provoke Iran into war with a combination of covert support for destabilization within Iran, supporting listed terrorist organizations, and limited unilateral military first strikes to provoke an Iranian response needed to justify a wider military confrontation.

All of this is shockingly spelled out in extreme detail within the pages of the corporate-financier funded Brooking Institution report, "Which Path to Perisa?" It is essential that every American, European, and Israeli read just how malicious, callus and eager the globalist elite are to trigger a catastrophic war with the Islamic Republic for the sole purpose of protecting Wall Street and London's hegemony throughout the Middle East.

Below are links to efforts to cover in detail the key aspects of this increasing war mongering, the key players behind it, including the corporations funding this agenda, as well as irrefutable evidence that illustrates these designs, laid out in 2009 have already begun to unfold.

1. Brookings' "Which Path to Persia?": The war has already begun, total war is a possibility.

2. Which Path to Persia?: Redux Syria, Libya, and beyond, Globalists prepare for second phase.

3. US Policy Toward Iran One-Way Ticket to War Policy Wonk Plays Dumb Over Role in Iranian Escalation.

4. Corporate-Fascists Clamor for Iran War Unelected corporate-funded policy makers constitute the greatest threat to US national security.

5. Iran Links US-funded Terrorists to Saudi-DEA Bomb Plot Baseless US accusations countered with more likely Iranian allegations

6. Withdrawal of US Troops From Iraq Highly Suspect Think-tank designs for Iran leave only Israeli attack & coaxed provocation for total war on table.

Upon reading this information, one will realize with horror how patiently persistent the corporate-financier interests on Wall Street and London have pursued this campaign towards war with Iran, and how absolutely deceitful they are willing to be in order to keep it moving forward. It is absolutely imperative that people understand not only just how contrived the threat of Iran is, but that those peddling the lies of such a threat have, behind closed doors, admitted as much.

Image: Just some of the corporate-sponsors behind the unelected, warmongering "think-tank" Brookings Institution which produced the treasonous "Which Path to Persia?" report.

Please also take particular note of the corporations funding this act of Hitlerian aggression against a nation of 70 million at the potential loss of tens of thousands of American and Israeli (and other proxy soldiers') lives, not to mention the incalculable cost of the war to an already crippled American tax payer. Also note that these same corporations will not be losing their sons and daughters nor a single penny in the war effort, in fact, many of them stand to gain untold of fortunes and power - the very reason they are pursuing such a course of action.

Now would be a good time to contact your representatives, boycott the above mentioned corporations, and begin undermining a system that is parasitically bleeding this planet to death both financially and literally in pursuit of global corporate-fascist hegemony. And remember, it will not end in Iran, the attack and destruction of Iranian sovereignty is just the beginning.

Russia Issues Stark Warning Against Attack on Iran

Source: BBC

Military action against Iran would be a "very serious mistake fraught with unpredictable consequences", Russia's foreign minister has warned.

Sergei Lavrov said diplomacy, not missile strikes, was the only way to solve the Iranian nuclear problem.

His comments come after Israeli President Shimon Peres said an attack on Iran was becoming more likely. The UN's atomic watchdog is expected to say this week that Iran is secretly developing a nuclear arms capability.

Diplomats say the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report, due for release on Tuesday or Wednesday, will produce compelling evidence that Iran will find hard to dispute.

Iran has always insisted that its nuclear program is exclusively to generate power for civilian purposes.

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi has said the alleged evidence is a fabrication and part of a multi-pronged US smear campaign against his country.

Syrian Government Decries America’s ‘Blatant Interference’ in Uprising

Source: The Intel Hub
By Madison RuppertEditor of End the Lie

I have reported on Western involvement in the Syrian “revolution” (just like Libya) for many months now and it is far from a “conspiracy theory” to say that the West is heavily involved in the opposition at this point.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has not shied away from pointing this out, either. In fact, he opted to call the Western meddling in Syria a “conspiracy” earlier this year.

The evidence is quite clear, especially given the heavy-handed anti-Assad position held by the American Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford.

Ford has met with opposition figures, a fact that clearly upset the Syrian people and led to an unsuccessful attempt to assault the compound in which he was meeting.

Ford’s quite naked interference in Syrian domestic politics is just one of the more blatant aspects of covert U.S. intervention in Syria and likely led to the decision to pull him out of the nation.

Denial, Delusion and MSM Disinformation

Source: USAWatchdog
Greg Hunter

What is going on in the world today is both frightening and historic.  It is frightening because the amount of debt accumulated is orders of magnitude more than ever before.  It is historic because the way this finally shakes out will be considered a major turning point in modern history.  I see this, but most people in the world are either in denial, delusional or just a victim of disinformation by the mainstream media (MSM).  If you read this site often, you know I heavily source what I write about.   I do this because I want people to have solid information and analysis.  For example, just last week, a Morgan Stanley analyst named Joachim Fels sent a research note out to clients that talked about the EU sovereign debt crisis.  Here is part of what Mr. Fels said, “This past week, by raising the possibility that a country might (be forced to) leave the euro, core European governments may have set in motion a sequence of events which could potentially lead to runs on sovereigns and banks in peripheral countries that make everything we have seen so far in this crisis look benign.”  (Click here to read the entire story from Zerohedge.com.)   

This Morgan Stanley analyst is talking about bank runs and is painting a calamitous picture of the EU sovereign debt problem.   I believe that most people haven’t a clue about what is going on and how their lives are going to change for the worse.  If they do, then they just refuse to believe that the government will let anything bad happen.  I got a comment from a reader by the name “In4mayshun” on a post I wrote last week titled “Two Financial Nukes Explode.”  It was about MF Global and Greece.  Both situations are far from over and sorted out.  The comment is below: 

Greek Prime Minister Forced Out in Euro Crisis Deal

Source: Global Research.ca
Patrick Martin

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou agreed to resign Sunday and be replaced by a coalition government of national unity that will have a mandate from the bankers and European heads of state to impose even more drastic austerity measures on the working people of Greece.

Papandreou held what a spokesman said was his last cabinet meeting as leader of the social democratic PASOK party before entering a protracted meeting with President Karolos Papoulias and Antonis Samaras, leader of the opposition right-wing New Democracy party.

The talks faced a double deadline Monday—the opening of the financial markets in Europe, hit by huge sell-offs last week over the Greek crisis, and a meeting of European Union finance ministers in Brussels. The Greek delegate to that meeting, Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos, was expected to confirm the formation of a new government committed to carrying out the terms of the EU agreement reached October 26 on a restructuring of Greece’s debt.

Press reports from Athens indicated that beyond the ouster of Papandreou, demanded by Samaras as the price of his party’s support, there was no agreement on the composition of the new government or who would lead it. Talks will continue Monday, again chaired by the elderly Papoulias.

Attacking Iran Could Lead to World War

Source: RT
Adrian Salbuchi 

Tensions are once again mounting against Iran ahead of a crucial report by the UN nuclear watchdog, IAEA, due next week. Meanwhile, Israel has tested a new ballistic missile.

­Some reports go even further and suggest the idea of a military strike on the Islamic Republic is being pushed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And British media say that with Iran remaining resilient against international sanctions, the attack could come as soon as next November. Various media cite the UK Ministry of Defense and Whitehall as their sources.

Vicious Triangle Forming Agaist Iran

Source: PressTV
Dr. Ismail Salami

In recent days, there has been a vociferous interest in Israel, the US and the UK in fanning the flames of Iranophobia in what observers see as a political red herring to engage in a catastrophic war in the Middle East.

The trio, which constitute a vicious triangle in their roguishly Iranophobic endeavors, have manifestly held secret meetings among the top security officials and formed a united front against Iran.

A recent report by The Guardian has revealed that British Chief of Defense Staff Gen. David Richards visited Tel Aviv secretly during the week, held a number of meetings with top Israeli military and intelligence officials and reassured them of Britain's unwavering support in case of an attack on Iran's nuclear sites. Further to that, the British officials revealed that the US government was mulling accelerating plans for targeted attacks on the country's nuclear sites and that Britain was prepared to be part of the plan for a possible attack.

Interestingly enough, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak arrived in London on Wednesday to hold talks with his British counterpart, with Iran of course to top the agenda. The importance of these meetings is that Britain's senior military official had not visited Israel for a decade. So, the recent meetings indicate the cementing security and military ties between the two countries.

Only recently, a senior US military official addressing a forum in Washington said that Iran had become the biggest threat to the United States. “The biggest threat to the United States and to our interests and to our friends … has come into focus and it's Iran.”


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