
Friday, October 21, 2011

NATO’s Libya Terrorist Puppets Claim Murder of Gaddafi; Civil War Will Spread Across Africa, Mediterranean

Source: Tarpley.net
Dr. Webster G. Tarpley on Infowars


The End of History: Now that the CIA’s Proxy Army has Murdered Gaddafi, What Next for Libya?

Source: Global Research.ca
Paul Craig Roberts

If Washington’s plans succeed, Libya will become another American puppet state. Most of the cities, towns, and infrastructure have been destroyed by air strikes by the air forces of the US and Washington’s NATO puppets.  US and European firms will now get juicy contracts, financed by US taxpayers, to rebuild Libya.  The new real estate will be carefully allocated to lubricate a new ruling class picked by Washington.  This will put Libya firmly under Washington’s thumb.

With Libya conquered, AFRICOM will start on the other African countries where China has energy and mineral investments. Obama has already sent US troops to Central Africa under the guise of defeating the Lord’s Resistance Army, a small insurgency against the ruling dictator-for-life.  The Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, welcomed the prospect of yet another war by declaring that sending US troops into Central Africa “furthers US national security interests and foreign policy.” Republican Senator James Inhofe added a gallon of moral verbiage about saving “Ugandan children,” a concern the senator did not have for Libya’s children or Palestine’s, Iraq’s, Afghanistan’s and Pakistan’s.  

GAO Report Highlights Federal Reserve Conflicts of Interest

Source: AllGov 
David Wallechinsky and Noel Brinkerhoff
Now that congressional auditors have gained access for the first time to the financial records of the Federal Reserve, their assessment has turned up serious conflicts of interest for the board members overseeing the branches of the national bank.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) states in a new report that the directors of the 12 regional Fed banks and Fed-supervised firms are risking the system’s reputation by maintaining ties to the industry they regulate.

For instance, at least 18 former and current directors were affiliated with financial institutions that relied on the Fed’s emergency assistance programs during the crisis that swept Wall Street.

In September 2008, the chairman of the New York Federal Reserve was Stephen Friedman, who also happened to be a member of the board of directors of Goldman Sachs. When Goldman applied to become a bank holding company in order to gain access to cheap credit from the Federal Reserve, the New York Fed approved, and Goldman came under the regulatory purview of the New York Fed, which gave Friedman a waiver to continue in his position despite the obvious conflict of interest. After it was revealed that Friedman, in December 2008, purchased 37,300 additional shares of Goldman Sachs, he was forced to resign.

Clinton Laughs About Murder of Gaddafi

Source: Infowars
Kurt Nimmo

Secretary of State Clinton was unable to keep her professional composure yesterday when told about the alleged murder of deposed Libyan leader Gaddafi at the hands of al-Qaeda. She had a good laugh over the gruesome act.

“We came, we saw, he died,” she joked in between formal interviews.
Clinton’s remark is a take on Julius Caesar, who reportedly said after his war with Pharnaces II of Pontus: “Veni, vidi, vici” (“I came, I saw, I conquered’). 

Paraphrasing Caesar is appropriate – the dictator took Rome from a republic to an empire. Like Caesar, Clinton’s boss, Obama, took the nation to war without consulting Congress or gaining the consent of the American people. 

Clinton’s gleeful if ghoulish comment also reveals the degree of her psychosis. Most people do not laugh when told about the murder of others, even rivals. Clinton is unable to contain herself and displays her joy at the news of Gaddafi’s violent death.


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