
Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Shocking Truth of America's Secret, Unaccountable, Unlegislated Death Panels

Madison Ruppert
The killing of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki, suspected of having links to al Qaeda but never charged with any crime, signaled a new era in the U.S.’s “war on terror” in which even American citizens were fair game for extrajudicial executions.

This execution, carried out by a CIA controlled drone in Yemen without any due process whatsoever, pales in comparison to a revelation so significant, even the mainstream media was forced to cover it.

What was this revelation? Only the fact that a secret group of U.S. officials has the power, without any laws giving them said power, to sentence anyone on earth to death without any semblance of due process or justice.

As evidenced by the killing of al-Awlaki and another American Samir Khan (the editor of the English-language al Qaeda magazine, Inspire), this includes American citizens who have never been so much as charged, let alone convicted of any crime whatsoever. I don’t know about you, but I find it a bit frightening that you or I could be on a literal kill list for any reason or no reason at all.

However, I must implore you to fight against the instinctual fears raised by such knowledge as it is clear that these types of moves on behalf of the American government serve to stifle dissent and criticism and we cannot allow that to happen. Let us also not fall for the ridiculous politicized rhetoric that attributes the death panel solely to Obama, who has proven himself to be nothing more than a puppet serving those who put him in power.


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