
Sunday, October 16, 2011

The CIA and the Drug Trade - EyeOpener Report

From: Boiling Frogs Post
James Corbett

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Transcript and Sources:
The cultivation of what we know today as the opium poppy goes back to the beginnings of recorded history, when the Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia cultivated what they referred to as Hul Gil, or the “joy plant.” The practice was passed down through the Assyrians to the Babylonians and from there to the Egyptians, by which time the opium trade had begun to to fluorish and was fast becoming the lynchpin of international trade across the Mediterranean into Europe.

Indeed, as far back as one cares to go, control of the international opium trade has been a key factor in the rise and fall of empires.

China Reacts to US' anit-Iran Claim

From: Press TV

The Chinese government has reacted to the recent US allegation that Iran was involved in a plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington, Press TV reports.

NYPD Arrests People for Attempting to Close Citibank Accounts

From: End The Lie
Madison Ruppert

If nothing else, we can at least thank the New York Police Department for continually proving themselves to be the servants not of the public – as their job description would have you believe – but of the banking elite.

The NYPD confirmed that 24 people in total were arrested at Citibank earlier today.  All of those arrested have been charged with criminal trespass, while two activists were also charged with resisting arrest. Many of those arrested went to the bank to close their accounts in a coordinated effort.


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