
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Don't Be Fooled by the Corporate Media's Attempt to Hijack & Spin The Occupy Wall Street Movement

From: Rys2sense


Police Use Dirty Tricks To Round Up Hundreds Of Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protesters As Wall Street Criminals Bribe NYPD

From: The Intel Hub
Madison RuppertEditor Of End The Lie
October 1, 2011

“Snapshot of protesters walking on Brooklyn Bridge. Most are staying on OK pedestrian path, but hundreds went into traffic.” (Credit: Brian Stelter)

Today roughly 500 peaceful protesters marching in opposition to the corporatist takeover of America and the robbery of the United States by the banking and Wall Street elite were rounded up and arrested thanks to suspect tactics employed by the NYPD. While many argue against the Occupy Wall Street protests based on partisan politics, the heavy union involvement, and the role Marxist organizations have played in the demonstrations, I think this is seeing the forest for the trees.

Regardless of what you think about those who organized the protest and the involvement of SEIU and other unions, you must realize that we are all being robbed and oppressed by the same people. Furthermore, everyone must take notice of the tactics the NYPD has been using to attempt to shut down these protests. Even if you disagree with the Occupy Wall Street message, would you like to experience these same oppressive and highly questionable tactics when you demonstrate for your cause of choice?

One important fact to note is that the NYPD just received a massive donation from none other than the Wall Street criminal oligarchs themselves: JPMorgan Chase. According to a press release posted on JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s official website, they “donated an unprecedented $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation.” Quite serendipitous timing for a gift which “was the largest in the history of the foundation” which elicited “profound gratitude” from the New York City Police Commissioner, Raymond Kelly. Clearly the Wall Street oligarchy is doing the only thing they know: attempting to pay off the NYPD to side with them over the people they swore an oath to protect and serve.

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Take Brooklyn Bridge – 700+ Arrested

From: Youtube

Updated, 7:58 p.m. | In a tense showdown above the East River, the police arrested about 400 demonstrators from the Occupy Wall Street protests who took to the roadway as they tried to cross the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday afternoon. The police did not immediately release precise arrest figures, but said it was the choice of those marchers that led to the swift enforcement.

“Protesters who used the Brooklyn Bridge walkway were not arrested,” said the head police spokesman, Paul J. Browne. “Those who took over the Brooklyn-bound roadway, and impeded vehicle traffic, were arrested.”

But many protesters said that they thought the police had tricked and trapped them, allowing them onto the bridge and even escorting them across, only to surround them in orange netting after hundreds of them had entered.


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