
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Corbett Report Radio - Religion and the New World Order

Source: Corbett Report
James Corbett

The political puppets of our world are at pains to profess their religious piety…but what God are they serving? Tonight we take a look at some of the bizarre occult practices of our so-called leaders, the conscious steering of the world into a New World Religion by the Rockefellers and others, and how the mystery religion insiders believe that they will achieve their own godhood. 

Works Cited:

How mainstream media kept Obama’s Alice in Wonderland-themed party a secret in depths of recession in 2009
Tony Blair Converts to Catholicism
Critics: Harper should pay for own fashion advice
Obama seeks Hanuman’s blessing for White House race
1977 Esquire Magazine article on Skull & Bones
Rockefeller and the New World Religion
Homeland Security Enlists Clergy to Quell Public Unrest if Martial Law Ever Declared

Why the Mainstream Media Censors Ron Paul

Source: Rys2sense

Romney's Billionaire Vulture Paul Singer: The GOP's Baddie Sugar Daddie

Source: Infowars

The untold story of the sources of the loot controlled by Paul "The Vulture" Singer and why he needs to buy the White House

by Greg Palast for TruthOut/Buzzflash - update

String of Global Bombings Blamed on Iran

Source: Land Destroyer Report
Bangkok joins the list of cities playing host to "Iranian" bombings.

Not even 24 hours have passed and "Thai officials" have already determined not only that Bangkok's bomb blasts were the work of Iranians, but that they intended to target Israelis, this according to the Jerusalem Post. Anyone familiar with Thailand's police and government would realize the utter impossibility of such a crime being solved in a single afternoon - let alone being able to draw conclusions carrying possibly war-triggering implications.

Already, the corporate-media and certified warmongers alike are pinning the recent bombings in Bangkok, Thailand on "bungling" Iranian terrorists.

US policy consultant, Max Boot, a Neo-Con Project for a New American Century (PNAC) signatory and a member of various corporate-funded think-tanks that endlessly conjure up and promote wars to expand Wall Street and London's global reach, immediately linked the incident in Bangkok with 2 failed bombings in India and Georgia in his recent article, "Self-Defeating, But Dangerous Terror Acts." He concludes his baseless appraisal of the string of attacks by stating:
"On one level these events are comforting because they suggest that Iran and its proxies in Hezbollah are not as skillful as generally assumed. But on another level these events should be deeply discomfiting to anyone who subscribes to the notion that the Iranians are calculating Realpolitikers who act so cautiously they can even be trusted with the possession of nuclear weapons. Au contraire: The events of the last two days suggest the Iranian regime, assuming it is responsible for these attacks, is capable of acting in self-defeating, irrational but dangerous ways. In short, hardly the sort of people we should trust with a BB gun–much less nuclear weapons."
Boot manages to both bolster the untenable theory that Iran was behind these attacks, while using their reckless, bungling nature to illustrate just how necessary a war is in order to disarm Iran of its alleged nuclear ambitions - a war these attacks provide the perfect pretext for.

Manufacturing a Pretext for War

Of course, Boot and the corporate-media never mention that Western policy makers for years have been conspiring to provoke Iran into a war it neither wants nor will benefit from in any conceivable way. This is best encapsulated in this often cited quote from US policy think-tank, Brookings Institution:

Netanyahu Claims that Iran is 'Undermining' World Stability

Source: RT

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Iran of destabilizing the world alleging Tehran is behind the recent bombings in India and Thailand. But experts say Israel is just trying to manipulate public opinion.

"Iran's terror operations are now exposed for all to see," Netanyahu said on Wednesday. "Iran is undermining the world's stability and harming innocent diplomats. Countries must condemn Iran's terror acts and draw a red line." 

On Monday, a car bomb in an Israeli diplomat’s car in New Delhi injured four people. On the same day Georgian Special Forces defused a bomb targeting the Israeli embassy in Tbilisi. 

On Tuesday a number of blasts shook Bangkok injuring four people.

Israel was quick to blame Iran of the attacks, but Tehran denies any involvement.

Ali Rizk, an expert on Middle East affairs, thinks Israel is “taking advantage of these events whoever might be behind them.”

“What they [Israel’s authorities] are trying to do is to prepare public opinion or gain public support for an air strike,” he explained, adding that “it is very clear that Iran cannot be behind such an attack.”

Detroit Newspaper Calls for Birth Control Sterilants to be Added to Public Water Supply to Curb Poverty Numbers

Source: Prison Planet
Aaron Dykes

Proposal that aims to stop welfare dependents from “breeding poverty” would poison everyone with birth control spiked in public water.

Water fluoridation was always just a gateway for a greater drugging of society.

The Detroit News has published a call to add contraceptives to the water supply, a dangerous and repugnant proposal for gross state power over life and death– all in the name of fighting the “breeding poverty” of the welfare class. Editorial page editor Nolan Finley writes:
“Since the national attention is on birth control, here’s my idea: If we want to fight poverty, reduce violent crime and bring down our embarrassing drop-out rate, we should swap contraceptives for fluoride in Michigan’s drinking water.
This arrogant proposal– straight from the classic Eugenics model– will not curb the dependency in the welfare class. Instead, if implemented, it would cause a spike in the cancer rate, exacerbate the presence of gender-bending compounds in our common provisions, all while serving to legitimize nanny state control over all of us– not just those taking handouts or “breeding” irresponsibly.

In the first sense, Finley is airing class warfare arguments designed to play off segments of society under a larger climate of anger about the economic crisis or the socialistic takeover under ObamaCare (now couched in a debate about subsidized birth control). No doubt Detroit is plagued with problems, but this proposal is an elitist problem-reaction-solution ploy (whether the author realizes it or not) aptly geared at drawing ire from its readers about paying out the dole to the undeserving, all while instead cheering for their own destruction via drugging the water supply.


Let’s breakdown a few key points here:

Feds Threaten Banks to Deny Accounts to Lawful Medicinal Cannabis Shops

Source: Activist Post
Eric Blair

One of the underhanded ways the feds are attempting to defeat legal medical marijuana is by preventing banks from doing business with dispensaries.

Because medical marijuana is illegal under federal law, federally insured banks even in states where it's legal were notified in 2011 to be suspicious of marijuana-related banking activities. The warnings stated that the business of marijuana is a "high-risk area for money laundering" which would put the banks at risk of racketeering and laundering charges.

Even though banks were not directly ordered to deny services to lawful medical cannabis shops, most banks heeded the warnings and closed dispensary accounts anyways.  This forced patients and dispensaries into cash-only transactions.

Clearly, this presented legal dispensaries and patients with challenges; not least becoming an increased target of theft.  Additionally, it's easier for these shops to hide actual profits now that they are forced into a cash operation, seemingly nullifying the scare of money laundering.

In other words, it'd be much easier to track their transactions if allowed to be properly funneled through banks.  In Colorado, around $20 million a year in state and local taxes may be at risk because the business is being forced to operate in the darkness of cash-based black markets.

Colorado lawmakers, seeking a solution, proposed establishing a cooperative financial institution (resembling a credit union) for the state's 600 legal dispensaries. Colorado Congressman, Jared Polis, a supporter of the local measure, also proposed federal legislation to open financial services to lawful medical marijuana businesses.

Man in Palestine 400,000 Years Ago?

Source: Giza Death Star
Dr. Joseph Farrell

Here is an interesting article which, if it bears up under scrutiny, may upset the scientific applecart once again:Homo sapiens lived in Eretz Yisrael 400,000 years ago

400,000 years is, of course, directly contrary to the reigning evolutionary and genetic paradigm that holds that modern homo sapiens sapiens came from Africa, and migrated throughout the world, some 150,000-200,000 years ago. Of course, there are those such as Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson who have presented archaeological evidence of someone in the genus homo being on earth in these times frames – and much older – ad possessed of evident technologies. (See their Forbidden Archeology and The Hidden History of the Human Race).

It is interesting that the teeth are said only to be “similar” to modern man, and this raises an issue: if they are only “similar” to modern man, are we looking at some hitherto unknown species with the genus, or are we looking at some species already known (for example, homo Neanderthalensis) but unspecified in the article?What species then is being talked about? The article indicates, perhaps, some confusion over this precise issue:
“The specimens, date back to the Middle Pleistocene era, include permanent and deciduous teeth. They were thus placed chronologically earlier than the bulk of fossil hominin specimens previously known from southwest Asia. Although none of the Qesem teeth resemble those of pre-Homo sapiens Neanderthals, a few traits may suggest some affinities with members of the Neanderthal evolutionary lineage, but the balance of the evidence suggests a closer similarity with the Skhul-Qafzeh dental material, said Gopher and Barkai.”

Why Children Should Not be Using Cell Phones

Source: Natural Society
Mike Barrett

The issue of electromagnetic fields (EMF) is increasingly becoming a societal concern. Present wherever  electricity flows, these invisible waves are causing damage to the health of all living organisms.

Due to advancements in technology, EMFs can be found in bedrooms, classrooms, playgrounds, and basically anywhere -- thanks to our wireless world.

Technology is being applied earlier on in life, causing the youngest of kids to partake in heavy cell phone and TV activity. It is unfortunate, as growing children are more susceptible to the dangers brought on by EMFs. Cell phones in particular have become a major concern, with kids as young as 10 years old using them.

A recent report with lead author, John Wargo, Ph. D., professor of Environmental Risk and Policy at Yale University, shows just how damaging EMFs can be for children.

Research shows that due to developing organs, lower bone density of the skull, lower body weight, and a less effective blood-brain barrier, children are extremely vulnerable to cell phone radiation. This is especially true for unborn children, with research showing that microwave radiation emitted by cell phones negatively influencing fetal brains.

It was also revealed in a study conducted 4 years ago that 54 percent of children born from mothers who used cell phones had behavioral issues. What’s more, the percentage jumped to 80 if the children grew up talking on cell phones frequently.

U.S. Schoolchildren Now Subjected to Sack Lunch Searches by Government Agents Who Enforce Nutrutional Insanity

Source: Natural News

First it was the TSA searching your underpants at the airport, claiming to be protecting you from "terrorists." Now a local elementary school in North Carolina is searching the homemade lunches of schoolchildren with the goal of forcing children to ditch their nutritious, home-made meals and learn to consume pasteurized, homogenized USDA-approved cow's milk and chemically-laced processed meats that promote cancer.

This is what happened, as reported in the Carolina Journal yesterday:

"A preschooler at West Hoke Elementary School ate three chicken nuggets for lunch Jan. 30 because a state employee told her the lunch her mother packed was not nutritious." (http://www.carolinajournal.com/exclusives/homemade-lunch-replaced-wit...)

The paper goes on to report:

"The girl's turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the interpretation of the agent who was inspecting all lunch boxes in her More at Four classroom that day."

Hold on a sec there, partner. There are AGENTS inspecting lunch boxes of schoolchildren?

You thought the TSA was bad? Get ready for school lunch pat-downs!

That's the first highly disturbing part of this entire story. See, the corrupt state is trying to take over everything, including the American family. Telling little Johnny that his mom packed an "inferior" lunch is one way of teaching children that they should worship the state instead of their parents. It's entirely consistent with the actions of pathetic child health sellouts such as California Governor Jerry Brown who recently signed a law giving 12-year-old children the right to "consent" to being injected with Gardasil vaccines as long as they don't tell their parents. (http://www.naturalnews.com/033831_Jerry_Brown_Gardasil.html)


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