Source: Corbett Report
James Corbett
Tony Blair Converts to Catholicism
Critics: Harper should pay for own fashion advice
Obama seeks Hanuman’s blessing for White House race
1977 Esquire Magazine article on Skull & Bones
Rockefeller and the New World Religion
Homeland Security Enlists Clergy to Quell Public Unrest if Martial Law Ever Declared
James Corbett
The political puppets of our world are at pains to profess their
religious piety…but what God are they serving? Tonight we take a look at
some of the bizarre occult practices of our so-called leaders, the
conscious steering of the world into a New World Religion by the
Rockefellers and others, and how the mystery religion insiders believe
that they will achieve their own godhood.
Works Cited:
How mainstream media kept Obama’s Alice in Wonderland-themed party a secret in depths of recession in 2009Tony Blair Converts to Catholicism
Critics: Harper should pay for own fashion advice
Obama seeks Hanuman’s blessing for White House race
1977 Esquire Magazine article on Skull & Bones
Rockefeller and the New World Religion
Homeland Security Enlists Clergy to Quell Public Unrest if Martial Law Ever Declared