
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Corbett Report Radio - Occupy Building 7

Source: Corbett Report
James Corbett

Tonight on Corbett Report Radio we talk to Ted Walter of OccupyBuilding7.org, the latest idea from the Remember Building 7 campaign for raising awareness about WTC7, the third skyscraper to fall on 9/11. We also talk to Jamie Owens, an Australian living in Japan about the Fukushima crisis and why he continues to live in the country in the wake of the nuclear meltdowns.

Secrets Of Skull And Bones Blown Wide Open

Source: Infowars
Paul Joseph Watson

Daughter of Bonesman Charlotte Iserbyt lifts the veil on the mysterious secret society

In an exclusive Prison Planet.tv interview, Charlotte Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education under Ronald Reagan, blows wide open the mystique behind the enigmatic Skull and Bones secret society, drawing on her father and grandfather’s first hand knowledge of the Yale fraternity as Bonesmen themselves to provide a revealing insight into the history of the organization.

As a former high-level education official, Iserbyt exposes how Skull and Bones was instrumental in changing education into a form of operant condition that more closely resembled animal training than real intellectual advancement, by implementing experimental psychology techniques brought over from Germany. The aim was to abolish free thinking and free will, molding each person into a “valueless cog of the state”.

She also lifts the lid on how “sensitivity training” is used to impose collectivist, Communist-style thought control, ensuring that people can be easily manipulated into forming their opinions based on group-think and that any shred of individuality or thinking that contradicts the status quo is frowned upon.

Iserbyt reveals the secret Skull and Bones member list that was supposed to remain private, and how it was connected to the effort by elites in America to build up the Soviet Union during the cold war. Iserbyt touches upon the research of Anthony Sutton to reveal how Bonesmen protected each other when they were faced with questions from the House Committee on Un-American Activities concerning their support for Communists.

Iserbyt relates how she and Sutton came to the conclusion that the men contained on the secret membership list were almost completely responsible for American foreign policy as well as education policy during the time they were in power.

Iserbyt also talks about her Skull and Bones grandfather clock which her father always ordered be set five minutes ahead of time to symbolize the fact that Bonesmen were always one step ahead of the rest of society.

'Snatch Squads' Caught On Camera At London Student Rally

Source: RiseAgainstState

A YouTube video shot during the November 9 student rally in London allegedly shows plainclothes police acting as agents provocateurs among the protesting crowds.

The video uploaded by the user "noshockdoc" shows two people who first engage in rough handling of one of the rally protesters. Then, reportedly, the same people are shown along with six others detaining someone behind a police cordon.

The media dubbed the November 9 march against tuition fees and education cuts one of the most intensively-policed events to take place in London. The force had 4,000 officers on duty on the day, and they were authorized to use rubber bullets if necessary. This was never needed, however. The Met reported that 24 arrests were made on the day.

Some of the protesters reported incidents of violence which they said had been caused by the security forces. "The police tried to provoke people to react violently, and some people had to act in self-defense against police attacks, but we all supported one another and prevented the police from causing a riot," one of the activists, identified only as 'Dan', told the Oxford University student newspaper Cherwell.

Syrian Suspense: 'Military intervention definitely on the table'

Source: Corbett Report and RT

The U.S. and its allies are more interested in regime change in Syria than a peaceful solution to the unrest – that’s according to the Kremlin. Russia’s Foreign Minister says Western countries are trying to stir-up Syria’s opposition to topple President Bashar al-Assad. Independent web journalist James Corbett thinks the Arab League suspension of Syria means the West is now much closer to achieving its goal of regime change in Damascus.

CIA Operations in Iran Underway

Source: NYDailyNews.com
Helen Kennedy
Explosions and assassinations at Iran nuke base pinned to Israel may have been CIA.

In public Sunday, President Obama was at a summit unsuccessfully leaning on Russia and China to back diplomatic efforts to curb Iran’s nuke program.

In private Sunday, there was more evidence of an efficient and brutal covert operation that continues to degrade Iran’s military capabilities.

Iranian officials revealed that one of the 17 men killed in a huge explosion at a munitions depot was a key Revolutionary Guard commander who headed Iran’s missile program. And the IRNA state news agency reported that scientists had discovered a new computer virus in their systems, a more sophisticated version of the Stuxnet worm deployed last year to foul up Iran’s centrifuges.

Iran said the army base explosion was an accident and the new Duqu virus was contained. But Israeli newspapers and some U.S. experts said it appeared to be more from an ongoing secret operation by the CIA and Israel’s Mossad to eliminate Iran’s nuclear threat.

The covert campaign encompasses a series of assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists since 2007 and a similar explosion at another Iranian missile base two years ago both widely attributed to the Mossad.

“May there be more like it,” was all Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said when Army Radio asked about the new blast.

There was a third mysterious event: The son of a top Iranian hard-liner was found dead — a seeming suicide — in a Dubai hotel on Sunday. His father called it “suspicious” and linked to the base explosion, without elaborating.

Permanent US Military Presence in Australia

Source: Land Destroyer
Tony Cartalucci
Another "Obama policy" long-ago decided by corporate-fascist think-tanks. 

After months of assuring a skeptical and disgruntled Australian public that the US military would not be getting a permanent base in Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald has reported a "US Marine Base for Darwin." US President Barrack Obama is credited with the decision, one overtly declared to be in direct response to the rise of China. Despite Obama getting credit, however, one shadowy "institution" is overly ecstatic over the announcement, and while Australian Defense Minister Stephen Smith attempts to reassure the public that Australia will not have "US bases," this institution's "news blog" has already declared the decision as potentially the moment "where Australia fundamentally cast its lot in with the US," vis-a-vis China. This institution is particularly ecstatic because despite the media giving credit to Obama, it was their idea, one they've been promoting openly since at least June.

The Lowy Institution, which masquerades as an Australian think-tank, is in actuality funded and representative of the global-corporate-financier oligarchy. Described in detail in, "Globalists' Australian Nexus ," it was specifically noted as far back as June 2011 that the Lowy Institute was behind a call for establishing US military bases throughout Australia. The Australian specifically named the Lowy Institute as one of the unelected "planners" behind making "the case for US Bases." As in the recent Lowy Institute affirmation of this policy as Obama prepares to unveil their corporate-funded agenda in Darwin, Australia next Thursday, Lowy back in June also cited China and the inclusion of Australia in a more aggressive strategy being pursued by Wall Street and London to maintain their financial, economic, and strategic hegemony throughout Asia.

Gerald Celente's Gold Account Emptied by MF Global

Source: RT America

The recent bankruptcy of financial stalwart and Wall Street casino failure MF Global in the US, has claimed a new and unlikely victim. Following the company’s glorious collapse, Trends Research founder Gerald Celente had his own six figure gold investment account completely looted by chapter 11 trustees, and he is fighting to get it back.


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