
Saturday, February 11, 2012

The State Has Declared War On The American People: Infowars Nightly News

Source: Infowars Nightly News

Globalist Controlled News Network Axes Show for Telling The Truth


Keiser Report: FBI vs Gold Standard 'Extremists'

Source: RT

In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss the gold standard extremism and how your dollar got to be worth just 3.8 cents. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Francine McKenna of reTheAuditors.com about the crimes and illegitimate activity of the MF Global collapse.

Western Elites Caught 'Red-Handed' in Iran?

Source: The Daily Bell

A Game As Old As History: The Globalist Hand Behind The Iranian Mullahs ... Iran's fundamentalist clerics have never been independent and militant vis-à-vis the West, but rather have remained subservient to U.S.-British geopolitical interests and goals in the region while pretending to represent the people of Iran and the religion of Islam. − Samam Mohammadi/The Excavator/PrisonPlanet

Dominant Social Theme: Islam is an enemy of the West. Iran is Islam. Iran is the enemy. Bomb it.

Free-Market Analysis: Wow, an important article by Samam Mohammadi based on other equally important articles that Mohammadi cites. He basically lays out a case that Iran is a phony US enemy and that the Iranian Revolution was actually Western-inspired.

There are few higher callings than this – writing articles that seem to debunk the "directed history" charades of Money Power while revealing the grim skull-like grin lurking bloodily beneath the surface.

We've pointed out many times now that we believe much of what passes for the Western historical narrative – especially over the past few hundred years – is what we call "directed history." That is, the power elite that today seeks to run the world has been creating economic, political and military incidents that it then enshrines as "accidents of history."

But they are not accidents of history. They are seemingly deliberately planned provocations that result, almost always, in increased globalization. It is the Internet that shows us this fearful pattern and seemingly reveals to us the irrevocable and breathtaking influence of Money Power.

Once these incidents have been created, the great families that run the world's central banks turn to their bought-and-paid-for media and court historians to write narratives that enshrine their globalist narratives via magazines, novels, textbooks and, ultimately, historical presentations.


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