
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mass Panic Over Bird Flu Experiments

Source: Corbett Report and Global Research
James Corbett

The US National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity made the unprecedented decision last month to call for the censorship of a pair of papers in scientific journals that describe how to make a novel, human transmissible form of bird flu that could kill unprecedented numbers of people.

The studies, conducted by two independent teams of researchers in the Netherlands, the US and Japan, concluded that it was possible to mutate ordinary H5N1 avian flu virus into an aerosol-transmissible form that could spread easily and rapidly through the air. According to Dr. Ron Fouchier at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, “We have discovered that this is indeed possible, and more easily than previously thought.”

NDAA Protests End In Ironic Swarm Of Arrests

Source: Activist Post
Brandon Smith

The absurdity of America today never ceases to amaze. In fact, it has become so elaborate that one might even suggest it has reached a kind of poetic symmetry. When a protest group is willing to stick their necks out to expose the horror of the National Defense Authorization Act and its open door strategy for unconstitutional arrest and indefinite detainment of American citizens, I have to stand up and applaud. This is the kind of protest we need to see all over the country. Of course, any establishment system which is willing to dissolve the inherent liberties of its citizens certainly isn't going to stand by quietly while they blatantly point out the injustice. The Grand Central Terminal action featured in the video below is a perfect example of the swift and immediate stifling of peaceful dissent by an increasingly totalitarian government:

Responses to the event vary. Most people who have actually been exposed to the facts on the NDAA have expressed utter disgust and fury. Rightly so. Some, however, have taken the old elitist mantra, perpetuated effectively by the Neo-Cons in their heyday, that if you are not for the system, then you are a danger to society. Not surprisingly, there are still plenty of useful idiots out there buzzing about like parasites in search of blood.

 Is it right to crush free speech as long as the message is offensive to you personally? Do peaceful protestors really present a legitimate threat to our national stability? Are they truly more dangerous than a corrupt government hellbent on assassinating the legal protections of our natural rights which have existed for centuries? Would any supporter of the jackboot methodology like to explain to me in a coherent manner why they believe their skewed world view should be shielded from sincere questions? Please, I can't wait to witness the kind of ridiculous mental gymnastics required to make such arguments palatable. If this kind of ignorance wasn't so destructive, it might actually be entertaining.

Corbett Report Radio - 2012: The Year of.. ?

Source: Corbett Report
James Corbett

We’ve been flooded with predictions for 2012. The Year of the Fourth Turning? The Year of World Government? The Year of the Taliban? The Year of Armageddon? Or just another page of the calendar? Tonight James goes over some of the articles and stories that talk about what may be coming in 2012 and takes your calls.

Works Cited:

2012 – The Year of Living Dangerously
‘If you don’t take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits’
2012: Year of the World Government
Enter the year of the Taliban

2012: Evidence Suggests Defeat of New World Order

Source: Activist Post
Paul Adams, J.D.

In 2012 the New World Order will suffer major defeats to their totalitarian one world government/population reduction agenda.  The defeats will not be from violent revolution, massive protests, or people continuing to beg corrupt politicians for mercy – as if 535 politicians really represent 315,000,000 people. No, the defeats will be attributed to a mass awakening and a significant portion of the population simply refusing to take actions that violate their conscience.

The elites only have two primary tools, which are well know to anyone that reads the alternative media: secrecy and deception. Their criminal enterprise will end as millions more, if not billions, awaken in 2012.

The Time is Now

Since the 1990s, researcher David Icke has been saying that there would be a point in time when the New World Order agenda is out in the open, exposed for all to see. Fortunately, that is when the agenda is most vulnerable, as many people will “wake-up” and see that humanity and their loved ones are in great danger.  That time is now.

Justified by the War on Terror hoax, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was recently signed into law (assuming Obama is legitimately the president, which is a huge assumption).  The legislation declared the United States a battlefield. The military can arrest American citizens, detain them indefinitely, torture and interrogate them without charge or trial. In essence, this Act implemented martial law in the United States. It also nullifies the Magna Carta of 1215, Bill of Rights and Posse Comitatus, which prohibited the military policing civilians inside the U.S. since 1878. 

In 2006, KBR was awarded a contingency contract from the Department of Homeland Security, allegedly to support its Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities in the event of an emergency, Market Watch reported.

Last month a document originating from KBR demonstrated that the government is activating FEMA camps across the United States. Entitled “Project Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements,” the document describes services that KBR is looking to farm out to subcontractors.

Make no mistake, like 9/11, passage of the NDAA was the globalists’ coming-out party, and your opportunity to inform others.  The tyranny has now been revealed in black and white on paper, and thousands of articles have been written to support you in discussing the issues with others.
Evidence of Globalist Defeat is Everywhere

Ron Paul

Ron Paul is leading many polls despite unprecedented smear campaigns by the shameless Big 6 Media. Whether elected president or not, Paul is educating the public about the private Federal Reserve bankster cartel, ending murderous and unconstitutional wars, sound money, health issues and individual liberty.  He also has received more campaign donations from members of the military than any other candidate, a sign that many in the military are informed and will not carry out treasonous orders if given.


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