
Monday, November 7, 2011

Syrian Government Decries America’s ‘Blatant Interference’ in Uprising

Source: The Intel Hub
By Madison RuppertEditor of End the Lie

I have reported on Western involvement in the Syrian “revolution” (just like Libya) for many months now and it is far from a “conspiracy theory” to say that the West is heavily involved in the opposition at this point.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has not shied away from pointing this out, either. In fact, he opted to call the Western meddling in Syria a “conspiracy” earlier this year.

The evidence is quite clear, especially given the heavy-handed anti-Assad position held by the American Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford.

Ford has met with opposition figures, a fact that clearly upset the Syrian people and led to an unsuccessful attempt to assault the compound in which he was meeting.

Ford’s quite naked interference in Syrian domestic politics is just one of the more blatant aspects of covert U.S. intervention in Syria and likely led to the decision to pull him out of the nation.

Tony Cartalucci covers some of the more covert aspects of the Western assault on Iran in this article, including the fact that Syria has been marked for regime change since as early as 1991.

However, most of the American involvement is so painfully obvious that the mainstream media’s selective coverage and carefully crafted narrative is laughably blatant.

Many people are quite upset with how the United States is pushing itself into Syrian affairs, and rightly so.

This becomes clear when one cuts through the mainstream media’s narrative to see the massive amounts of Syrians who are still pro-Assad.

Just like Libya, the situation in Syria is far from the cut-and-dried narrative presented by the Western corporate media.

It is not just the loyalist military brutally slaughtering peaceful demonstrators, if one reads carefully, one notices that there is often a mention of “opposition gunmen” and other armed groups.

Syria is experiencing an armed revolt, just like Libya was, and despite the West’s attempts to paint all the demonstrators as peaceful; we must realize that this is simply not the case.
This is precisely what a Syrian Foreign Ministry official cited by SANA was attempting to get across today when he slammed the American intervention in his country.

After accepting the Arab League’s peace plan on Wednesday which calls for talks between Assad’s government and the Syrian opposition, the Syrian government said that amnesty would be granted to all who surrender their weapons between November 5th and 12th.

In response to this offer of amnesty to the armed opposition fighters, something an armed revolt in the West would never imagine, the spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department, Victoria Nuland, advised them not to turn themselves in.

Just take a moment to imagine if there was an armed revolution in the United States.
If such a revolution occurred, the government would undoubtedly use deadly force against any and all opposition fighters.

An offer of amnesty to those who would lay down their weapons would be unimaginable and foreign involvement in the uprising would lead to nothing short of all-out-war.

After all, we are still fighting in a country we invaded under false pretenses, if the United States had a revolt fomented by “enemy” nations, you can bet that it wouldn’t be taken lightly.

Imagine if the Syrian government was funding and training opposition fighters and telling them not to surrender or compromise with the American government.

The fighters would be labeled as terrorists and Syria would have a bit of a debacle on their hands.

However, when the situation is reversed the fighters are pro-democracy protesters who gain open support from the U.S. State Department.

“I wouldn’t advise anybody to turn themselves in to regime authorities at the moment,” Nuland said.

Syrian officials charge that these policies coming from the United States not only violate international law but also violate United Nations resolutions against terrorism.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry official also said that Damascus “condemns these irresponsible statements which only aim at inciting sedition, supporting the acts of killing and the terrorism practiced by the armed groups against the Syrian citizens.”

I cannot grasp how anyone can interpret the statements from Nuland any other way. They are clearly supporting armed revolt against the Syrian government. How does this not represent an assault on Syrian sovereignty and support of sedition and acts of violence?

The opposition fighters are calling the offer of amnesty “a sham and a trap in a police state where thousands of suspects are being held incommunicado”, according to the Los Angeles Times.

However, the Syrian government released 553 detainees for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha which begins on Sunday.

Individuals in the opposition are expressing doubt over the government’s promise to pull back forces and comply with the terms of the Arab League’s plan.

The head of the Arab League, Nabil Elaraby said that “disastrous consequences” would follow if the peace plan brokered by the League falls short.

In late October, Assad warned that any Western intervention in Syria would cause an “earthquake” in an interview with the Telegraph.

“Do you want to see another Afghanistan, or tens of Afghanistans? Any problem in Syria will burn the whole region. If the plan is to divide Syria, that is to divide the whole region,” Assad said.

Indeed the West is already covertly intervening in Syria but full-scale “humanitarian” intervention in the mold of Libya (also see here) would be an entirely different beast unto itself.

Events are progressing quickly in Syria and we will keep you updated with the most accurate information possible. Stay tuned for more as events unfold and information becomes available. If you have any tips or articles to assist in our research please do not hesitate to e-mail us at: Admin@EndtheLie.com

Side note: Interestingly, it recently emerged that the Syrian government has been using an Italian firm outfitted with American and European hardware to “intercept, scan and catalog virtually every e-mail that flows through the country.”

Could this be a motivating factor in the U.S.’s decision to arm dissidents with high-tech devices that bypass government controlled communications?

Some related previous articles on Syria can be found here:


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