You can see Senator Levin, who was involved with secretly drafting the
bill with Senator John McCain, admit this in the following video:
Even if the Obama administration wasn’t behind pushing to have the NDAA apply to
American citizens, which Levin clearly revealed on the Senate floor, his word is far from reliable.
The promises broken by Obama are so numerous that they actually span three entire pages on
PolitiFact, and on all of the most substantive issues he has completely neglected his promises.
Take, for instance, his promise to close Guantanamo Bay. Instead of doing that, he made it even worse by
reinstating secret military tribunals in which the military decides what evidence you can present and what witnesses you can bring to your defense.
Or how about his pledge to end the federal government’s
unconstitutional meddling in states that have legalized medical
cannabis? Yeah,
he broke that one too.
Bringing the troops home? I think we all know that was yet another empty promise made by a man who
turned out to be a liar of the highest order.
Is anyone really foolish enough to think that he would veto this bill
seeing as his administration was behind stripping what little
protections were written in the bill?
How could anyone believe such a thing given his track record of going
back on every single major promise he made on the campaign trail and
while in office?
If anyone is actually gullible enough to believe such a thing after
Obama has shown himself to be a liar time and time again, I would truly
be astounded.
Let’s assume for a moment, despite the evidence to the contrary, that
Obama would indeed veto the NDAA when it came across his desk.
If this were to occur, which is about as likely as me waking up tomorrow morning to find that my cat has become
a dog, it would be a purely ceremonial act, likely intended to get him some points for his 2012 campaign.
This is because the support this atrocious legislation has in both
the House and Senate is so widespread that they could easily override
the President’s veto.
All that a
veto override
requires is a two-thirds majority in both Chambers and seeing how
S.1867 and H.R.1540 were both passed with a far greater majority than
two-thirds, they could easily override a veto.
The Senate
voted 93% in favor of the NDAA and the House
voted 74% in favor.
For those who are not mathematically inclined, two-thirds is 66.6667%.
Clearly they would have no problem pushing through this un-American legislation if the President were to veto it.
It is now clear that this disturbing legislation is going to pass,
regardless of the possibility of the President ceremonially vetoing it.
The only hope I can see at this point is that states will rise up and
stand to protect their inhabitants from being victimized by the federal
Or, if the military decides that they will stick to their oaths and
refuse unconstitutional orders, we could see the traitors in Washington
brought to justice for their actions.
Honestly, I am not replete with ideas on how to combat the horrors
embodied by the NDAA, so I will enjoy reading any and all suggestions
from my readers. If you have anything to
share please do not hesitate to email me at and let me know if I can use your comments in a future piece.