
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Draconian EPA Regulations To Cause Rolling Blackouts

Source: Prison Planet
Paul Joseph Watson

The cost of complying with draconian new EPA rules on carbon emissions will force coal plants in Texas to close and increase the likelihood of rolling blackouts, as the Obama administration’s vow to “bankrupt” the coal industry takes full effect.

When rolling blackouts hit Texas at the start of the year, we wrote a series of articles pointing out that President Barack Obama’s promise to “bankrupt” the coal industry, in the form of draconian EPA regulations that would cause older power plants to close, had contributed to the power outages. Several of these articles were picked up by the likes of the Drudge Report and Fox News, stoking a wider controversy.

In response, the White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer claimed in a blog post that appeared on WhiteHouse.gov that the story came from a “questionable” source and was “unquestionably false.” We then issued a rebuttal documenting how the blackouts were caused by a maxed-out power grid and not by “mechanical failures” as Pfeiffer claimed in his article.

Ten months down the line and the Austin-American Statesman reports today that, “Texas could face power shortages as soon as next year as aging plants are mothballed in response to new environmental standards, according to the state’s grid operator and the organization that monitors the U.S. power grids for the federal government.”

In other words, ourselves and other critics who warned that the EPA’s draconian eco-regulations would cause rolling blackouts, after being attacked by the White House, have been proven completely accurate.

“Already Dallas-based Luminant Generation Co., Texas’ largest electricity generator, has announced it intends to idle two coal-fired generating units as part of a plan to comply with the rule,” reports the Houston Chronicle.

Inadequate supply of power is being greatly exacerbated by coal and natural gas plants being shut down because they cannot afford the crippling EPA regulation fees, which will lead to “power shortages as soon as next year”.

“The report by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. found that many older power plants in Texas will be retired rather than retrofitted to meet new federal emission standards,” reports the Statesman, closures that have been welcomed by the likes of the Clean Energy Group consortium, whose agenda is to promote the vehemently discredited pseudo-science of man-made global warming.

The CEG group opposes the building of new plants or a delay in implementing the EPA standards, demanding instead that Americans curtail their energy use, or in other words lower their living standards to satisfy the politicized, agenda-driven, money-making scam that is climate change and the carbon credit industry, while huge corporations like General Electric get waivers and are not even subject to the EPA rules everyone else is forced to comply with.

As we have documented, the entire carbon tax scam is a monumental fraud which does nothing to help the environment even if you believe in climate change hysteria, in that its primary purpose is to line the pockets of ‘carbon billionaires’ like Al Gore and Maurice Strong.

Obama’s support for Australia’s carbon tax is unsurprising given the fact that he was “instrumental in developing and launching the privately-owned Chicago Climate Exchange” via millions of dollars in donations from the Joyce Foundation, with whom Obama served as a director.

Carbon trading schemes are directly connected to people in third world nations like Honduras and Uganda being brutally evicted from their land and in some cases slaughtered in cold blood. Western companies make billions from seizing land and using it to grow trees in return for lucrative carbon credits which are then sold to companies (via EPA mandates) under carbon tax schemes like the one just passed in Australia.

Despite America still reeling from an economic collapse, the Obama administration and the EPA is still committed to bankrupting the coal industry in pursuit of a “green economy,” which has little to do with the environment and everything to do with hollowing out America’s industrial base so that the country may be more easily swallowed up by the “post-industrial revolution” that remains the goal of the global elite.

If you want to get a taste of just what effect this “green economy” will have on America, take a look at Spain, where the unemployment rate is over 22 per cent as a result of at least 2.2 jobs being lost for every “green” job created, in addition to soaring energy costs.


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