Source: Boiling Frogs Post
US Media Remains Mute on ‘Already-Confirmed’ Operations
It’s now been exactly 24 days since I reported on the ongoing joint US-NATO secret training camp in the USAir
Force base in Incirlik, Turkey, which began operations in April- May
2011 to organize and expand the dissident base in Syria. I broke that
story on November 21, here at Boiling Frogs Post, based on information
provided to me by multiple sources including highly credible insiders in
Turkey and government insiders here in the US. 18 days later Iranian Press TV
ran the story with further confirmation based on intensive coverage and
confirmation by the Turkish media. Impressively, despite far more
serious pressure from the government, reporters in Turkey provided
detailed coverage of the story I broke here in the US.
One extensively reported story had to
do with BBC reporter John Simpson, who went to Turkey to follow up on
the story we broke at Boiling Frogs Post, but was placed under
surveillance, prevented from following up on the story of the
US-NATO-Turkish-Syrian Rebel operation Center in Southern Turkey,
stopped from interviewing Riad al Assad, and how BBC quickly excused the
scandalous incident. Every major newspaper in Turkey covered this
event. Sabah and Radikal were among dozens of TV and newspaper outlets in Turkey covering it.
Here is the spin placed on the story by BBC to make the incident look like ‘protecting Colonel Riad al Assad’ [All Emphasis Mine]:
The colonel’s name sounds close to but not quite the same as that of the President he wants to overthrow, Bashar al-Assad.He is based in a refugee camp at Apaydin, 9 miles (14km) from the town of Antakya and very close to the Syrian border. But he is not allowed to leave the camp, and cannot receive visitors.
To a considerable extent, this is for his own protection. The Turks seem to regard Colonel Asad as a potentially important figure for the future, and are determined that nothing untoward should happen to him.
As a result, getting to see Colonel Asad is remarkably difficult. No Turkish official wanted to help us, or indeed even speak about him on the record.
As we were filming his camp from a distance a group of Turkish soldiers briefly detained us. Yet the colonel is predictably keen to talk, and in the end we interviewed him via the internet.
To recap, 24 days ago Boiling Frogs
Post broke the story on the US-NATO-Syrian Rebel Operation-Command
Center in the US Air Base in Southern Turkey operating since May 2011.
This story was first provided to all major US media, think NY Times,
Washington Post, but no one was allowed to report due to ‘US government
pressure.’ After we broke the story here at BFP, the Turkish media dared
their government-military, and provided further confirmation and
details. The story has since received coverage and confirmation by
foreign publications such as Press TV and Russia TV. Still, not a peep
in the US media, and that includes the corporate-foundation backed
phony, aka Alternative Media.
Russia TV had good coverage on the latest here. And here is a Russia TV interview with James Corbett from Today: