Source: The Intel Hub
The Intel Hub News Brief Podcast #3
The Intel Hub News Brief Podcast #3
Joe Joseph and Popeye of dissect the attacks made on
Ron Paul in articles published on World Net Daily and other
“conservative” news outlets. These hit pieces compared an apparent
adviser of Paul’s to Rev. Wright and were literally taken out of the neo
con attack strategy playbook.
The attacks focused on the absurd idea that Ron Paul supports or is
at least soft on radical Islam which the authors claim is a very real
threat to America while ignoring the banking cartels, the Federal
Reserve, and the Zionists who are heavily involved in American Foreign
They also focus on the claim(and fact) made by Paul and others that
radical Islam is a creation of horrible American and Israeli foreign
policy. This is documented FACT and in no way means Ron Paul supports
Sharia Law or anything of the sort.