
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Iran Reportedly to Reveal "Very Big New Nuclear Achievements" in Coming Days

Source: Activist Post
Madison Ruppert

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated that Iran will reveal “very big new nuclear achievements” in the very near future during a rally in Tehran marking the 33rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

On Saturday, Iranians celebrated the 33rd anniversary of the revolution which brought down the Western-backed monarchy; seemingly a great opportunity for Ahmadinejad to make such a landmark announcement.

However, Ahmadinejad would not elaborate on the upcoming announcement, instead just highlighting Iran’s unwillingness to ever give up their uranium enrichment program, according to the Associated Press.

While Iran continually denies the claims that they are working towards producing nuclear weapons – a charge which has also been refuted by United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta on no less than two separate occasions – the West refuses to back down from these allegations.

Iran says that they have been forced to domestically produce nuclear fuel rods because international sanctions have blocked them from buying them on foreign markets, and Ahmadinejad said he would never yield to the West if it continued to utilize “the language of force and insult.”

In his speech in Azadi Square in Tehran, Ahmadinejad told a sizeable crowd that “all the needs of the Iranian nation” would be met by Iranian nuclear scientists in the near future.

“God willing, the world will witness the inauguration of great achievements in the nuclear sphere in a few days,” he said.

These are quite bold statements indeed, and it remains to be seen they can be backed up or if it is just hollow boasting in an attempt to show that they are staying strong despite Western sanctions.

Interestingly, Ahmadinejad said, “We have always been ready for talks,” while adding, “Well, they should be within the framework of justice and respect.”

He is likely referring to the six-party talks between the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, China and Iran which broke down roughly a year ago.

While Turkey has made efforts to restart the negotiations, there seems to be no indication that they will; and the West seems to have no interest in a peaceful, diplomatic resolution to this conflict.

“I clearly declare that if you (the West) use the language of force and insult, the Iranian nation will never yield to you,” he added.

Iran has clearly said that they will not cease uranium enrichment, which is not necessarily military in nature and is necessary for their peaceful domestic nuclear program.

Western nations say that there is no point in resuming the talks unless the closure of Iran’s uranium enrichment program is on the table.

This makes it quite clear that the agenda of the West is to have Iran’s nuclear program shut down entirely, even if it is indeed totally peaceful as they have maintained since the beginning.

As I have repeatedly pointed out, this is completely unjust, as there is no reason why the West and those that blindly toe the Western line should be the only nations allowed to pursue peaceful nuclear technology if they want to.

It will be very interesting to see what announcements Ahmadinejad or other Iranian officials make, because even relatively small announcements seem to make quite a stir in the West.

We saw this with their announcement of uranium enriched to 20 percent, which, despite being far from weapons grade, created quite the uproar in the Western media.

If this announcement is anywhere near as big as Ahmadinejad is making it out to be, we might see some significant developments in the geopolitical imbroglio that is the situation with Iran.

 This article first appeared at EndtheLie.com. Read other contributed articles by Madison Ruppert here.

Madison Ruppert is the Editor and Owner-Operator of the alternative news and analysis database End The Lie and has no affiliation with any NGO, political party, economic school, or other organization/cause. He is available for podcast and radio interviews. Madison also now has his own radio show on Orion Talk Radio from 8 pm -- 10 pm Pacific, which you can find HERE.  If you have questions, comments, or corrections feel free to contact him at admin@EndtheLie.com


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