Source: Activist Post
The CNN video below is just the latest salvo in the shameless media
distortion about events in Iran. The most dangerous propaganda is of
course Iran's supposed nuclear weapons threat, which is being revealed
at every turn as unfounded allegations, even as Iran welcomes the IAEA to investigate and discuss their nuclear program.
Iran continues to insist that the program is strictly for energy and
not world destruction. The hyperbole, however, even extends down to the
social level. What most rational people would simply call martial arts
training -- similar to what can be found in any American city --
instead receives a CNN segment title of "Iran's Potential Assassins"
with the caption, "3,500 women train as Ninjas." Funnily enough, the
anchors don't seem to cooperate with the gravitas of the headline,
instead stating it for what it really is: a sport, or a way toward
healthy self-empowerment. Or, even perhaps the nefarious objective to
"defend their country."