
Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Simple Way to Help Resurrect Hope in America

Rand Clifford

Napoleon Bonaparte called history “A set of lies agreed upon.” It’s even been said that lies are the glue that holds civilization together. And now, before our eyes, lies accumulate like flies on flypaper; germy, nasty things that get processed, pasteurized, and homogenized into history. Examples seem endless: from elections rigged with e-voting, to the heinous false flag circus of 9/11, to the Global War on Terror, to evisceration of the Constitution to “protect” people, to the off-the-charts upward transfer of wealth of bankster bailouts, to the murder of over a million people amid destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya . . . .

Look around, look in the rearview mirror, lies, and lies about lies ad nauseam…becoming history. Napoleon implied that it has always been this way, but one might wonder: Has it always been this bad? Might we respond to Napoleon’s observation with, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet?”

If indeed our trajectory involves ever-increasing divergence between history, and truth, is there some agent we could point to that facilitates this madness—something greatest of all at conditioning people to absorb lies? Something invasive, powerful, and even addictive enough to render majorities of populations unable to think critically—unable to tell truth from lies, leaving them gullible enough to swallow whatever mainstream corporate media (CorpoMedia) feeds them? There is one agent towering above other suspects, and almost every American is hooked. The agent is called TV.


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