
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protest Ignored by Mainstream Media

From: The Promethean Post
Michael Anthony

Keith Olbermann asks why the  American mainstream media is not covering the Occupy Wall Street protest? Well, if there's a protest about the corruption of those who own and control the corporate American media, you obviously won't hear about it from the corporate American media:) Good thing we have alternatives right? Except for the majority of Americans who get their news solely from television. I also find it a little hard to believe that Yahoo unintentionally blocked OccupyWallSt.org emails as well. Yahoo getting caught for this and having to publicly apologize is a very big deal that should get more attention.

US media ignore Wall Street protests

From: PressTV
An American scholar says peaceful anti-corporatism protests known as “Occupy Wall Street” in New York are ‘nonexistent’ in mainstream media in the US, Press TV reports. “Apparently it is too threatening to corporate interests to acknowledge it,” James H. Fetzer, founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, told Press TV on Thursday. Since US mass media refrains to cover the protests, “The average American who derives his news principally from television would have no idea that this protest movement is taking place,” Fetzer said. Commenting on the protesters, he said “these are ordinary Americans who are protesting the difficult economic times in which they are living and the failure of the government to take appropriate actions to deal with the unemployment problem, which now affects as many as 25 million Americans. They are putting it on back burner, they are suppressing it.” He noted that “what we have here is yet another stunning example of the mass media suppressing information that the American people and indeed the rest of the world deserve to know.” US media is “dominated by a small number of corporations that control 90 to 95 percent of what Americans hear on TV or read in the paper,” he added.
© Copyright Press TV - Published at Set You Free News with license

Perhaps it was only a matter of time before people reached the breaking point with Wall Street corruption and influence over the American government. Hopefully, these protests will lead to something more than just the raising of awareness. The stated goal of the protest is "to get President Obama to establish a commission to end the influence money has over our representatives in Washington" according to Adbusters Magazine, a promoter of the protest. If anything, this protest is definitely a step in the right direction, regardless of how effective it turns out to be.

Eerily reminiscent of the famous anti-war and civil rights protests of the 1960's, the crowd chanted "The whole world is watching" as the police brutally detained unarmed protestors and dragged them across the concrete. According to sources on the ground manning the live feed, there have been over 80 arrests of peaceful protestors so far. It's sad to see such a massive event being kept from the majority of Americans.


Videos posted by eyewitnesses show violent actions by police. The video to the left shows a group of female protestors being penned in a maced by police officers. Video of from TheOther99Percent's Youtube channel.



This video shows a young man being brutally thrown to the ground and arrested for apparently speaking to an officer. Video from LibertyPlazaRev's Youtube channel.


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