
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Update

Michael Anthony 

Well, at least the mainstream media - affectionately referred to as the MSM - is finally mentioning the Occupy Wall Street protests but as far as stating the real purpose of them and how the number of protestors has reached the thousands, they have continued to understate and play it down. As usual, RT News pulls no punches.

It is rather unsettling to see how the MSM has provided intense, constant coverage of the recent uprisings in the Middle East and almost everywhere else in the world but has fallen silent about the uprisings in their own back yard. As blogger, Alexander Higgins told RT News, "The main reason I'm here is because of the corporate media blackout, the mainstream media blackout, you're only getting the truth from alternative news sites."

You know you're living in a police state when police officers can brutally attack and arrest peaceful protesters who have broken no laws. Members of the Occupy Wall Street media team who have been organizing and managing the live video stream have also been targeted by police. In more than one instance, cameras and other recording equipment have been illegally smashed and confiscated. There is no law that forbids the filming police officers on public property. To end this post with some much needed perspective and comedy, Lee Camp brings us another thoughtful moment of clarity. To all those police officers out there, just doing your job, trying to maintain the "social order", try to remember that you are part of the 99% as well.


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