Source: The Daily Bell
Conclusion: Here is the puzzle: The closer the elites draw to the New World Older, the less effective their mechanisms of control may prove.
US 'turns page on a decade of war' ... The United States is "turning the page on a decade of war", President Barack Obama
said, as he unveiled a major strategic review that will cut $489
billion in defence spending over the next ten years ... As the wars of
the September 11 era pass, Mr Obama said America should abandon its
traditional capability of fighting two major wars at once and focus on
becoming a "leaner and smarter" fighting force with an emphasis on
counter terrorism, reconnaissance, cyber warfare and maintaining a
nuclear deterrent. In a rare appearance in the Pentagon press briefing
room, Mr Obama however insisted that the US military would comfortably
maintain its military supremacy, with proposed spending still larger
than that of the next 10 countries combined. – UK Telegraph
Dominant Social Theme: We've changed. We're gonna be
more powerful but more gentle, too. We're going to emphasize the
efficiency of killing rather than its scope.
Free-Market Analysis: The Obama administration has
announced a new page in a decade of war. But is this really the case? We
would argue that this downsizing is noteworthy because it acknowledges
that the pretense of using "citizen armies" to realize the New World Order is actually drawing to a close.
What Obama is enunciating is nothing more than a dominant social theme,
in our view. The idea is to indicate to the West and to America in
particular that the country's war-fervor is abating. The US will
continue to be triumphantly powerful but it won't be so brash or quite
so destructive.
But really nothing much has changed in terms of power elite goals. What IS changing is the way force is going to be distributed and applied.
There is going to be a transition to a more secretive military
methodology, in our view. It's already happening. The powers-that-be
will seek to advance their agenda via mercenaries and intelligence
agencies and to fund these activities via drug dealing and various other
black ops.
Is there any other choice? The Anglosphere
power elite that seeks to run the world cannot likely wean itself from
its military methodologies. Its command-and-control agenda rests on the
threat of violence and increasingly on its actuation.
Western economies are seemingly almost entirely in the thrall of this elite. Using the wealth of central banking,
it has over time created a worldwide economy that is driven by war and
directed by a few select, titanic corporations that are basically the
handmaidens of Washington DC and the City of London.
It would seem to be the most successful, hidden dictatorship in the
history of humankind. The secrecy – especially in the 20th century –
allowed the entire world to be steered in a certain direction, toward
world government. This strategy is still in effect even though it has
been blown open by the Internet and the increasingly powerful
"Reformation" that it is causing.
What we call the Internet Reformation
is evidently and obviously shaking the power elite. This powerful
entity has thus been increasingly forced to show its hand in numerous
ways, both legislative and military. We have come to call it "directed
history." The goal is global governance and events are "arranged" to
facilitate it.
Throughout the 20th century, the "globalization" trends expanded. The
state was to be celebrated in all ways. What was independent and
inchoate was to be made dependent and ritualized. What was art was
depersonalized in order to celebrate the efficacy of the state, as was
architecture. Psychology was introduced to increase the efficiency of
manipulations of the middle class. Money was drained of value and
increasingly controlled behind the scenes by forces bent on inflation
and currency debasement.
The continuance of this mad system is brought forth despite an
increasingly generalized understanding of its manifestations. Over the
past 300 years, with increasing energy and efficacy, a deliberate and
calculated reign has been put into place that seemingly purposefully
embraces everything that is most dysfunctional and destructive about
human society.
Human beings are surely complex animals, in our view, with an
incredibly broad spectrum of traits. When these traits are exercised
privately, no overall harm is done. But when a tiny group of elites
manage to gain control of the world's money supply (as has apparently
occurred) and then begin to use the power of government force to
deliberately implement their agenda, large-scale disasters are surely in
the offing.
In the 20th century, perhaps 150 million people died directly as the
result of elite war and its directed history. The 21st century was to
see the further perfection of this system of war, corporatism, looting and bloodshed. Here's some more from the article:
The cuts would represent less than 10 per cent of the current
annual defence budget of $650 billion. In one of the most significant
strategy shifts since the end of the Second World War, the review US
will turn its focus away from Europe towards the Asian Pacific region to
counter the rising influence of China.
"Our military will be leaner but the world must know the United
States is going to maintain our military superiority with armed forces
that are agile, flexible and ready for the full range of contingencies
and threats," [Obama] said at a news conference at the Pentagon flanked
by Leon Panetta, the US defence secretary, and senior generals.
"Even as our troops continue to fight in Afghanistan, the tide of
war is receding," he said. "Even as our forces prevail in today's
missions, we have the opportunity – and the responsibility – to look
ahead to the force we need for the future. Our nation is at a moment of
The defence budget since the September 11 attacks on the US had
grown at an "extraordinary pace" which had to slow down, he said, given
the soaring budget deficits the world's superpower is facing thanks to
the recession and the cost of its ageing population. "We have to renew
our economic strength here at home, which is the foundation of our
strength in the world. That includes putting our fiscal house in order,"
the president said.
We don't believe any of this. We have learned in a decade of covering
such reports that government officials usually say exactly the opposite
of what they mean. The Anglosphere elite cannot afford to give up its
corporate/military mechanism of control.
In fact, one could make an argument that what we consider to be a
deliberately introduced financial crisis has resulted in the purposeful
expansion of NATO
to make it into a true fighting force worldwide. Couple NATO with the
mercenary expansions of outfits such as those run by the infamous Erik
Prince and the steady emergence of shadowy black ops run out the City of
London, Washington DC and Tel Aviv and you begin to see an entirely new
militaristic paradigm.
What is interesting, we would argue, is that this configuration
increasingly resembles that of ancient Rome. When the empire was
weakening due to financial mismanagement and corruption, the use of
mercenaries and professional soldiers greatly expanded. It didn't work,
however, in the long run because people need to be motivated by a belief
structure in order to be willing to fight and lay down their lives.
Absent this belief structure, defeats mount up and victories are
increasingly hard to come by. This explains the failures of the West in
Afghanistan and Pakistan and probably in Yemen and Somalia as well.
Conclusion: Here is the puzzle: The closer the elites draw to the New World Older, the less effective their mechanisms of control may prove.