Source: Boiling Frogs Post
Sibel Edmonds
three years under the Obama presidency and we have had several covert
and overt wars in Africa with the sole purpose of the re-colonization of
Africa and its rich oil-mineral resources, while posing under the guise
of ‘humanitarian intervention.’ The overt war in Libya, a not so secret
war in Somalia, establishing a base in Uganda, sending troops to chase
the Lord’s Resistance Army rebel group in the Congo, quietly setting up a
number of new bases in Ethiopia and the Seychelles … and the list goes
on. Not to mention the number of bodies piling up on top of each other
as the West sinks its teeth into the long-sought-after continent and its
have been writing about and analyzing Obama’s Africa Fever. You must
admit the man has been acting very feverish. In fact, I’d say he’s been
the most feverish president we’ve had when it comes to slicing, dicing,
and re-colonizing Africa. Granted, he is not the only one with the
fever. The French, Brits, and a couple of other Old Europe players have
been feverish as well; they’ve been salivating at the idea of reviving
their old glory days of empire and colonies. Yet, the most feverish, I’m
talking mouth-foaming delirious fever, appears to be our
president-Barack Obama. And oddly enough, there doesn’t seem to be much
“crying race” and colonialism from the black communities here in the
U.S. I say here in the US because the majority of blacks in Africa seem to recognize, resent and speak out on this Black Super Power President’s colonization crusade in their land:
would think our black communities in the US would be up in arms in
reaction to a black president taking the lead in the partition and
re-colonization of Africa, while amassing piles of bodies daily. Isn’t
this a betrayal of African Americans by a black man?
Sibel Edmonds
The Right Man to Pacify ‘Crying Race’ while Terrorizing & Colonizing Africa
You can still see Obama’s likeness around town these days, especially in the tourist areas. But for many Ghanaians, the honeymoon with Obama is over. And it started to go sour when the first warplanes strafed Benghazi and Tripoli, in a NATO effort to protect civilians from strongman Muammar Qaddafi.That was the Libya-intervention’s official purpose, anyway. But Ghanaians aren’t buying it. To many observers here, it looks like a grab for Libya’s oil riches; to others, it’s a nefarious Western plot to re-colonize Africa.
know one when they see one. They recognize colonizers when they see
colonizers and their actions. Then why don’t we hear a major outcry from
the black communities in the United States? I can assure you that we’d
have heard the outcry if a white president had supported, armed and
directed militias and rebels who did the following
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – The chairman of the African Union says Libyan rebels may be indiscriminately killing black people in Libya because they have confused innocent migrant workers with mercenaries.Chairman Jean Ping told reporters Monday that this is one of the reasons the AU is refusing to recognize Libya’s rebel Transitional National Council as the country’s interim government.Please watch this (Obama’s Men, the rebels):
I repeat: Obama backed and directed rebels:
Reuters is reporting that President Obama has already signed off on a presidential “finding”–i.e. an order–authorizing covert U.S. support for Libyan rebels. The order, which Reuters says was given “within the last two to three weeks” is described by the news service as the “principal form of presidential directive used to authorize secret operations by the Central Intelligence Agency” and is typically “crafted to provide broad authorization for a range of potential U.S. government actions to support a particular covert objective.”
And here are Obama-backed practices in Somalia:
As part of its expanding counterterrorism program in Somalia, the CIA also uses a secret prison buried in the basement of Somalia’s National Security Agency (NSA) headquarters, where prisoners suspected of being Shabab members or of having links to the group are held. Some of the prisoners have been snatched off the streets of Kenya and rendered by plane to Mogadishu. While the underground prison is officially run by the Somali NSA, US intelligence personnel pay the salaries of intelligence agents and also directly interrogate prisoners. The existence of both facilities and the CIA role was uncovered by The Nation during an extensive on-the-ground investigation in Mogadishu.…According to former detainees, the underground prison, which is staffed by Somali guards, consists of a long corridor lined with filthy small cells infested with bedbugs and mosquitoes. One said that when he arrived in February, he saw two white men wearing military boots, combat trousers, gray tucked-in shirts and black sunglasses. The former prisoners described the cells as windowless and the air thick, moist and disgusting. Prisoners, they said, are not allowed outside. Many have developed rashes and scratch themselves incessantly. Some have been detained for a year or more. According to one former prisoner, inmates who had been there for long periods would pace around constantly, while others leaned against walls rocking.…
And there are other Obama regime orchestrated games in Africa – like this one in Uganda. Or this one in Nigeria. Here are a few excerpts from a recent article by Dr. Motsoko Pheko on the role of now strongly Obama-backed and directed Africom in the re-colonization of Africa :
Africans have a painful history of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, racism and colonialism by nations that claim to be ‘civilised’ but have behaviour that is contrary to civilisation. They dehumanised Africa’s people and saw nothing wrong with that. They have never shown any remorse for their inhuman deeds to Africans or offered any reparations for the colossal damage they inflicted on Africans. America’s persistence to impose Africom on Africa proves this beyond reasonable doubt.…
Vice Admiral Moeller was the man President George W Bush entrusted with the mission of Africom. Moeller knew that mission in and out. At the United States’ Africa Command Conference held at Fort McNair on 18 February 2008, this American head of ‘Africom’ declared that, ‘Protecting the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market is one of Africom’s guiding principles.’
Admiral Moeller specifically cited ‘oil disruption’, ‘terrorism’ and the growing influence of China as a major challenge to United States’ interests in Africa. Africom is organised by the office of the Under-Secretary of Defence for Forces Transformation Resources and National Security Policy at the National Defence University Fort McNair, Washington D.C.
Africom serves the interests of the United States of America. Africa does not need ‘Africom. Africom is a jackal in sheep’s clothing. A jackal cannot be entrusted with the security and lives of sheep.
take me wrong. I don’t view Obama as black. I don’t view him as white. I
didn’t view George Bush in any color either. Because when it comes to
these establishment puppets there are no colors. These sold-out puppets
are all translucent to me. I see right through them all.
the other hand, I can’t help but wonder if this President’s appearance
of racial color played a role in his selection by the puppet-running
establishment. We know of their hunger for global dominance. We know of
their salivating mouths over resource-rich Africa. We know their
long-held desire to re-rule the African continent as colonies. Wouldn’t
an American president who appears black outwardly make their job easier?
The establishment can sit back and enjoy their puppet’s performance
while holding the strings. How about the audience? Well, the recipients
in Africa can see right through the puppet’s strings. They don’t have to
see the puppeteers to know their presence and lead. After all, they’ve
been there. They’ve been through it for centuries. And the puppet’s
black appearance doesn’t mean a thing. The white men frequently use
black men to take over other black men:
Europeans lacked the local knowledge to be able to negotiate the perils of the African interior, so they used middlemen for this task, according to Olaudah Equiano, who had himself been captured in this way. European slaving ships waited at coastal ports to pick up their cargoes of slaves. Middlemen would attack Africans working in the fields and march them to the coast. Children acting as lookouts for their parents might also be captured.…
recognize Barack Obama as the white power’s middle man. He is the
puppet. He is translucent but appears black. He is Uncle Tom. And that
may have been one of the criteria for his selection by the puppeteers in
2008: Let the black-appearing man take the lead in slicing, dicing,
partitioning, burning …re-colonizing our African prize, and helping
pacify the audience who would be ‘crying race’ otherwise.