
Saturday, April 30, 2011

War for peace?

From: The Promethean Post

Michael Anthony

Does anybody else out there find it strange that the US is currently engaged in multiple wars while the economy is on the verge of collapse and the debt that our country has incurred could never be paid off. I came across a stunning fact the other day which pointed out that, even if every American was taxed 100% of their earnings for the rest of their lives, we would still be unable to pay off a fraction of our country's debt! According to my research into the orchestrated collapse of our financial system, this is all part of a larger plan to bring about the end of our current financial system, with the forced solution of a global financial system, currency and government. If anyone is interested in this subject, I would highly recommend Crisis By Design -The Global Financial Coup by John Truman Wolf

This leads me back to my question about the strangeness of our government and its allies' choice to continue these expensive wars for such a long period of time. Does anyone remember the basis of Obama's campaign? Change we can believe in? Have we forgotten his promises to close our base in Guantanamo and bring our troops back home from Iraq and Afghanistan? Does it not seem odd that we have done none of these things and we've actually just entered into another armed conflict, this time in Libya? Another "humanitarian" war for peace? There is clearly much more to the story here.

I can only come to one conclusion which has been offered by many writers and researchers. That is that our our government, along with many others, is actually controlled by a cabal made up of global banking cartels, petroleum interests, defense contractors, multi-billion dollar transnational corporations and the elite, wealthy families of the world who maintain controlling interest of them. I know it may seem hard to believe, but if you start digging, it's difficult to miss the obvious connections. Don't take my word for it, look into it for yourself and make your own decision. Which I'm sure many people will simply refuse to do.. It's much easier to just ridicule a conclusion that doesn't sit well with you instead of doing the research for yourself.

Just ask yourself who actually profits from these ongoing wars. I urge people to stop watching and believing everything that is spoon fed to us from the mainstream media. I've always had the urge and a need to get to the bottom of these issues, but some people simply don't care to know and choose to follow the "ignorance is bliss" way of living. I'm not judging that, but it's simply not for me. I just can't help but get annoyed by the ignorant masses of people out there who will blindly follow and believe what someone else tells them without simply looking into it for themselves. It bothers me that so many people are so brainwashed by the "movie" that the media is playing for us. What does the average American do when they want to know what's going on in the world? After a long day of working hard to make enough money to live according to the "status quo" of society, they sit down and turn on the all knowing TV. The problem is that every major media network, essentially everything one can watch on TV is owned and controlled by a grand total of 6 mega corporations. If you don't believe me, just check the Media Monopoly.

There are few true investigative journalists left and they are mostly found within the alternative media, which is quickly becoming one of the only paths to finding the truth behind this "movie". People out there need to wake up and understand that the mainstream media is just the propaganda tool of this controlling "cabal" or as some like to call them "The Powers That Be". They want us to believe that our reasons for engaging in these wars and killing people are for a humanitarian purpose or to promote democracy and free people from tyranny. This is actually far from the truth. There are deep seeded geo-political agendas being followed which have nothing to do with what we are being told. Look into it for yourself and get your information from multiple sources, not just the easy options that the mainstream offers. If you want the truth these days you'll have to dig for it.


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