From: The Promethean Post
Michael Anthony - Editor of Promethean Post
In case you haven't noticed, the mainstream American "media" is quickly becoming a joke on the world scene. The corporatized, politically compliant American news media, as an independent investigative arm, has all but collapsed. The American people need to start questioning (if they haven't already) why we consistently hear different, even contradictory stories from alternative, independent and foreign media coverage of the same events.
Michael Anthony - Editor of Promethean Post
In case you haven't noticed, the mainstream American "media" is quickly becoming a joke on the world scene. The corporatized, politically compliant American news media, as an independent investigative arm, has all but collapsed. The American people need to start questioning (if they haven't already) why we consistently hear different, even contradictory stories from alternative, independent and foreign media coverage of the same events.
For example, the celebrated "assassination" of Osama Bin Laden was blasted all over American mainstream media for days on end. A ridiculous story was fed to the people, contradicted and amended multiple times, and finally we got to hear what every political talking head had to say about. The majority of them saying how great a "victory" this was for America and continual patting ourselves on the back, followed by video footage of ignorant masses of people celebrating in the streets, eerily similar to the celebrations conveniently filmed in Afghanistan after 9-11. This sounds like another great way to make some new enemies and fuel more hatred in order to prolong the instigated "War on Terror". Watch the following video by James Corbett of The Corbett Report for a better understanding of the mainstream media's feeble attempt to deceive. It's almost comical..
The American mainstream media has become a high-powered propaganda tool. It has become a status quo enforcer, nothing more than a mouthpiece for the establishment. It's purpose is no longer to investigate and report the truth to the people, it is merely to support and enforce the corrupt, political and corporate agendas of those in power. Of course you'll see the continual bickering between Democrats and Republicans over the little issues to keep the charade going, convincing people that they have a say in who gets elected and that whoever is elected will be "different" and make the necessary changes.
Although I am always skeptical of media, I've been finding interesting stories and views on It seems that Russian television has read the mood of the English-speaking West, and in particular, the cynical mood of the American population, and has stepped in to (1) fill this void and cover the stories the American media will never touch, and (2) to capture the large cynical audience in America that knows there is something drastically wrong with our own news coverage, our political and corporate leadership, and to present an alternative that plays directly to our own suspicions of those institutions. I am less skeptical of what I’ve seen on this media outlet, than on any of the “American” media outlets self-congratulating each other for being “great Americans,” RT tv appears at least willing to think outside the conventional liberal-conservative, pre-programmed box that passes itself off as journalism in this country.
RT is stepping into the news media role in the West in a major way with high-production value, and genuinely informative news and documentaries. All of the alternative and foreign news sources I have been following seem to corroborate my fears that yet again our corrupt political and corporate leadership are leading us – and the rest of the West – into yet another disastrous military adventure, all in the service of the hidden agendas of the banking/corporate elite, the IMF, the World Bank, and all the other instruments of private international financial power.
If you want a fresh perspective and some open source intelligence media, I would definitely suggest that you check out alternatives such as RT,, The Corbett Report, Boiling Frogs Post,, Webster Tarpley, mediamonarchy, Infowars, The Daily Bell, Blacklisted News,, The Intel Hub, Redacted News and rys2sense. It's refreshing to see independent journalists and researchers reporting events with no propaganda or ideological interpretation of facts. I would recommend using youtube and subscribing to multiple independent journalist's channels and subscribing to the RSS feeds of the sites mentioned above as well. This would give you the ability to receive news from multiple sources and compare it with what the mainstream is or isn't telling you. If you want to find the truth in times like these, you need to look deeper and not limit yourself to one media source. Listen to all sides, think for yourself and make up your own mind.
If you want a fresh perspective and some open source intelligence media, I would definitely suggest that you check out alternatives such as RT,, The Corbett Report, Boiling Frogs Post,, Webster Tarpley, mediamonarchy, Infowars, The Daily Bell, Blacklisted News,, The Intel Hub, Redacted News and rys2sense. It's refreshing to see independent journalists and researchers reporting events with no propaganda or ideological interpretation of facts. I would recommend using youtube and subscribing to multiple independent journalist's channels and subscribing to the RSS feeds of the sites mentioned above as well. This would give you the ability to receive news from multiple sources and compare it with what the mainstream is or isn't telling you. If you want to find the truth in times like these, you need to look deeper and not limit yourself to one media source. Listen to all sides, think for yourself and make up your own mind.