
Friday, September 30, 2011

WARNING: Corporate-Fascist Military Coup Brewing in the United States?

The US intelligence community, in conjunction with Wall Street corporate-financier interests, have spent an inordinate amount of time positioning themselves for a possible military coup and martial law take over of the United States. This is being done under the guise of the fraudulent "War on Terror" as preparation for a very real and inevitable economic collapse. In particular, one personality above all others is being groomed by intelligence operatives and policy wonks, while built-up by the corporate media [1][2] in the eyes of the public to intercede in America's accelerating political, economic, and even global tactical decline. This man is General David Petraeus who served as former head of US Central Command which included combat operations in Iraq and former commander of US forces in Afghanistan before being sworn in as the current director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in September 6, 2011.
Image: Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon, on his way to seize power in Rome via a military coup and become the republic's first emperor. America is not immune from suffering a similar prolonged, ignoble death to the extreme, parasitic elitism that empire breeds.

Posing as a venerable American hero, "leading" American troops through two wars in service to his nation, Petraeus' ties are in fact to Wall Street and London corporate financier oligarchs. His membership [3] in the corporate-financier Council on Foreign Relations [4] is perhaps the most significant conflict of interest in America's political landscape. He has been both commander of America's troops and now director of the CIA, all while privately associating with the unelected policy makers of the CFR; an organization that represents the collective interests of the largest banks, private institutions, and corporations on earth. Whether Petraeus is guilty or not of improprieties amidst this enormous conflict of interest is irrelevant. The fact that he hasn't shown the proper judgment to rectify such a conflict by either resigning, or ending his CFR associations, should be alarming to all Americans.

To add further fears regarding the ambitions and agenda of Petraeus, one must examine those that are gravitating around him and indeed prodding him along.

In 2010, Petraeus gave a speech before the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) [5], another private institution funded by corporations, working on behalf of corporations, essentially producing their own self-serving policy and using their vast connections and resources to have it rubber stamped by Congress and executed by the US Government at the American people's expense. In his speech, Petraeus would praise Neo-Conservative policy wonk Frederick Kagan who he credited for developing the "surge" strategy in Iraq.

Is The U.S. Government Stockpiling Food In Anticipation Of A Major Economic Crisis?

Is the U.S. government stockpiling huge amounts of food and supplies in anticipation that something bad is about to happen?  Is something about to cause a major economic crisis that will require large quantities of emergency food?  For a while, I have been hearing things about the government storing food through the grapevine and I have not been sure what to think about those rumors.  Well, today I received a phone call that blew me away.  I debated for quite a while before I decided whether or not to share this information with you all.  Normally I do not like to talk about anything unless I am able to prove it by pointing to an article in the mainstream media.  But the source of the information that I am about to share with you is rock solid.  I cannot reveal his name, so you will just have to trust me on that.  Hopefully the following information will be one more "dot" as we all try to connect the dots about what is really going on out there.

This morning I received a call from a very prominent person in the storable food industry.  He has asked me not to reveal his name.  I have been dealing with him for an extended period of time and I consider him to be a rock-solid source.  When I talked to him today, he had just received a huge order for storable food from a U.S. government source.  He told me that the dollar amount of the order was in the "five figures". When he asked about why so much food was being ordered, the government source told him essentially that "you know what is coming".  When pushed further, the government official did not elaborate.It was unclear whether this was part of a larger food stockpiling program by the government.  Perhaps this order was just part of the normal preparations that government agencies make for potential emergencies. Nobody could blame the government for storing up some emergency food.  That is something that we all should be doing.

The truth is that the government is taking emergency preparedness very seriously these days.  For example, you can see video of a high-level NASA official urging NASA employees to develop preparedness plans for their own families right here. But what if this is a sign of something bigger? Remember, this is not some rumor I just pulled off the Internet.  This is not something that someone got from "an aunt" somewhere. I got this information over the telephone from the person who took the order. I promised that I would not reveal any more specific details, so I won't. But this does seem to fit with a pattern that we are beginning to see emerge. Earlier this year, FEMA issued an RFI (Request For Information) that inquired about the availability of 140 million meals of emergency food.  Apparently the food was meant to be stored up in case there was a "catastrophic disaster event" along the New Madrid Fault.
You can view this FEMA RFI right here.  The following is an excerpt....

The Hypocrisy in Praising the Death of Al-Awlaki

 The hypocrisy is staggering, even by Obama’s standards

From: Infowars
Paul Joseph Watson
September 30, 2011
President Barack Obama has triumphantly hailed the death of Anwar al-Awlaki as a crushing blow to Al-Qaeda’s hopes of acquiring a safe haven, even as the US-backed NATO bombardment of Libya provides terrorists with a safe haven in North Africa. Responding to the news that Al-Awlaki, who received an upgrade in his role after death to “chief of external operations” for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, had been killed, Obama labeled it “another significant milestone” in the war on terror, adding, “This is further proof that al Qaeda and its affiliates will have no safe haven anywhere in the world.”

Aside from the fact that Al-Awlaki was a confirmed double agent, having dined at the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 despite being declared the spiritual leader of the hijackers, and going on to become chief patsy handler for intelligence agency entrapment operations, the hypocrisy here is staggering even by Obama’s standards. If Obama was so concerned about not providing safe havens to terrorists, then why has he just helped hand an entire country over to them in Libya?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

NATO's War on Libya is Directed against China: AFRICOM and the Threat to China's National Energy Security

The Washington-led decision by NATO to bomb Gaddafi's Libya into submission over recent months, at an estimated cost to US taxpayers of at least $1 billion, has little if anything to do with what the Obama Administration claims was a mission to "protect innocent civilians." In reality it is part of a larger strategic assault by NATO and by the Pentagon in particular to entirely control China's economic achilles heel, namely China's strategic dependence on large volumes of imported crude oil and gas. Today China is the world's second largest importer of oil after the United States and the gap is rapidly closing.

If we take a careful look at a map of Africa and also look at the African organization of the new Pentagon Africa Command—AFRICOM—the pattern that emerges is a careful strategy of controlling one of China's most strategically important oil and raw materials sources.

NATO's Libya campaign was and is all about oil. But not about simply controlling Libyan high-grade crude because the USA is nervous about reliable foreign supplies. It rather is about controlling China's free access to long-term oil imports from Africa and from the Middle East. In other words, it is about controlling China itself.

No Big Surprise: Banksters Rule the World

 From: RT

The mainstream media was thrown into a tailspin after an independent trader revealed how the world of big money and politics looks from the inside. But why were Alessio Rastani’s revelations come as such a surprise? “The government doesn’t rule the world. Goldman Sachs rules the world,” stock trader Alessio Rastani said on the BBC. This was the comment which echoed around the world, generating a tidal wave of reaction from papers and pundits alike. But instead of focusing on the comment itself, most outlets immediately sought to shoot the messenger. Forbes called him a psychopath. CNBC suggests it might be a hoax. New Yorker magazine wondered if it was a con, or a nightmare come true.

Whatever Rastani’s intentions, the bigger question has been largely ignored. Was he wrong about the power of Goldman Sachs? And why was everyone so shocked? Several of RT’s guests – bona fide traders and former Goldman Sachs employees – have said much the same.Washington is not the biggest player in this. The global bankers are the biggest players, the global hedge fund managers. That’s who is determining the outcome of this, not the players in Washington. They have already ceded control to the global banking industry,” said RT’s Max Keiser, a former equities trader.Wall Street has been pulling the strings in Washington from the get-go. It is the largest sector of campaign contributions – and that is to both parties,” said Nomi Prins, a former managing director at Goldman Sachs.

Libya and the Big Lie: Using Human Rights Organizations to Launch Wars

The war against Libya is built on fraud. The United Nations Security Council passed two resolutions against Libya on the basis of unproven claims, specifically that Colonel Muammar Qaddafi was killing his own people in Benghazi and Libya. The claim in its exact form was that Qaddafi had ordered Libyan forces to kill 6,000 people in Benghazi and Libya. These claims were widely disseminated, but always vaguely explained. It was on the basis of this claim that Libya was referred to the U.N. Security Council at U.N Headquarters in New York City and kicked out of the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva.

False claims about African mercenary armies in Libya and about jet attacks on civilians were also used in a broad media campaign against Libya. These two claims have been sidelined and have become more and more murky. The massacre claims, however, were used in a legal, diplomatic, and military framework to justify NATO’s war on Libya.

A Simple Way to Help Resurrect Hope in America

Rand Clifford

Napoleon Bonaparte called history “A set of lies agreed upon.” It’s even been said that lies are the glue that holds civilization together. And now, before our eyes, lies accumulate like flies on flypaper; germy, nasty things that get processed, pasteurized, and homogenized into history. Examples seem endless: from elections rigged with e-voting, to the heinous false flag circus of 9/11, to the Global War on Terror, to evisceration of the Constitution to “protect” people, to the off-the-charts upward transfer of wealth of bankster bailouts, to the murder of over a million people amid destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya . . . .

Look around, look in the rearview mirror, lies, and lies about lies ad nauseam…becoming history. Napoleon implied that it has always been this way, but one might wonder: Has it always been this bad? Might we respond to Napoleon’s observation with, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet?”

If indeed our trajectory involves ever-increasing divergence between history, and truth, is there some agent we could point to that facilitates this madness—something greatest of all at conditioning people to absorb lies? Something invasive, powerful, and even addictive enough to render majorities of populations unable to think critically—unable to tell truth from lies, leaving them gullible enough to swallow whatever mainstream corporate media (CorpoMedia) feeds them? There is one agent towering above other suspects, and almost every American is hooked. The agent is called TV.

New World Next Week - 09/29/11

Welcome back to http://NewWorldNextWeek.com – the video series from
 The Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most
important developments in alternative news and open source

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Understanding The Engineered Global Financial Crisis

Transcript & Sources:
The European sovereign debt crisis which has been gestating for years seems ready to come to a head as the IMF met last weekend in Washington. The meetings were dominated by talks about Greece, debt, and the risk of global contagion.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Update

Michael Anthony 

Well, at least the mainstream media - affectionately referred to as the MSM - is finally mentioning the Occupy Wall Street protests but as far as stating the real purpose of them and how the number of protestors has reached the thousands, they have continued to understate and play it down. As usual, RT News pulls no punches.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Castro Calls Out Obama for Genocide in Libya

Fidel Castro (AFP Photo / Adalberto Rooue)
From: RT.com 

Fidel Castro is calling out US President Barack Obama for his words before world leaders last week at the United Nations in New York City. According to Castro, Obama misrepresented the wars America has involved itself in, calling his speech before the United Nations last week gibberish and blaming the US and NATO for the mass murders of the Libyan people.

“In spite of the shameful monopoly of the mass information media and the fascist methods of the United States and its allies to confuse and deceive world opinion, the resistance of the people grows, and that can be appreciated in the debates being produced in the United Nations,” Castro wrote over the weekend on the cubadebate.cu website.

Largest Ever Terrorism Drill: 'Operation Mountain Guardian' - Obama in Denver During Elenin Alignment

                                                                          Picture From: Red Ice Creations

Operation Mountain Guardian - the largest terrorism drill ever takes place in Denver as Obama visits on the 27th and the majority of world leaders are on recess. This visit also coincides with an Elenin-Earth-Sun-Merucry alignment, worth keeping an eye on.

Whistleblowers Reveal Tight-Knit Relationship Between U.S. Officials And Drug Cartels

Madison RuppertEditor of End the Lie

The relationship between the global drug trade and the government of the United States of America is a long, complicated and irrefutable one. Some of the most infamous dealings that have come to light have involved the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and various drug trafficking rings throughout the world. However, it now appears that the  CIA involvement in drug trafficking is just one aspect of an incredibly close relationship between so-called authorities in America and the drug cartels they pretend to fight. Two former law enforcement officials and confidential informants for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have now revealed that drug cartels have ties to elected officials, high-level police and even judges. Even more disturbing, these men said that drugs are dropped by small planes on properties along the border between the United States and Mexico which are then escorted to their next stop by U.S law enforcement. One of the whistleblowers has said that he was asked by the FBI to accept drug shipments coming from Mexico through his ranching company.

What do these two brave whistleblowers get in return? Termination of their position as informants, death threats and FBI-issued memos designed to keep other agencies from investigating their allegations.One of these men is a retired sheriff’s deputy, Greg Gonzales and the other is a former livestock investigator for New Mexico, Wesley Dutton. During their 18-months as confidential informants for the FBI, they assisted in several investigations which included an inquiry that led to the arrest of FBI Special Agent John Shipley for selling guns to drug cartels.

Facebook & Google+ Spying on Us?

From: Infowars.com
Kurt Nimmo 

Remember when Mark Zuckerberg said you need to get over the fact that there is no privacy on the internet? He meant it. Many of you have likely viewed the video below. It documents Facebook’s connection to the CIA. Many people, however, think the fun of posting on and the interaction of Facebook overshadows the downside, or they merely ignore the negative aspects. Well, it turns out it is worse than we previously thought.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Activist Post Deleted! Google Erases Popular Alternative News Source

Activist Post Deleted! Google Erases Popular Alternative News Source
Zen Gardner

At mid-day on Friday, September 23, 2011, the popular alternative news blog, ActivistPost.com, was taken offline. Activist Post receives over one million views per month and has been hosted by Google’s Blogger since its founding in June 2010. “We remain puzzled as to why Activist Post was erased completely by Google,” said chief editor and co-founder Michael Edwards. “When we tried to load our back-up file into our secondary Blogger account, that was blocked as well,” he added. It remains unclear whether Google has acted to censor ActivistPost.com for their controversial reporting.  Google is becoming somewhat notorious for clamping down on truth and liberty activists, of which Activist Post is known for. “Clearly, this is a huge set back for us and the work we do,” said co-founder Eric Blair.  “Our entire crew is working on resolving the issue and restoring the website.  We certainly look forward to an explanation from Google.” Activist Post will file an appeal with Google to restore the site in full, and asks their loyal supporters to make their voices heard as well.  However, they also are seeking other hosting services to avoid these types of censorship issues in the future. “We want to thank our loyal readers, contributors, and advertisers for being patient while we work this out.  We plan to come on even stronger in face of this adversity,” Edwards said.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protest LIVE FEED

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com

Occupy Wall Street Protest Ignored by Mainstream Media

From: The Promethean Post
Michael Anthony

Keith Olbermann asks why the  American mainstream media is not covering the Occupy Wall Street protest? Well, if there's a protest about the corruption of those who own and control the corporate American media, you obviously won't hear about it from the corporate American media:) Good thing we have alternatives right? Except for the majority of Americans who get their news solely from television. I also find it a little hard to believe that Yahoo unintentionally blocked OccupyWallSt.org emails as well. Yahoo getting caught for this and having to publicly apologize is a very big deal that should get more attention.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

No-Fly Zones on the Moon?!

The Promethean Post

Michael Anthony

From a recent article in The Hindu Moon to have no-fly zones by month end, NASA announces no-fly zones on the Moon! By the end of the month NASA will be declaring a long list of landing sites and artifacts from the Apollo missions as “historical sites” and “property of the US government”. These locations will be considered off limits. “Apollo 11 and 17 sites [will] remain off-limits, with ground-travel buffers of 75 meters and 225 meters from each respective lunar lander,” states the July 20 guidelines of NASA, obtained by the Science journal.

According to Science, by the end of the month NASA is expected to provide a set of “recommendations” for spacecraft and astronauts visiting the “U.S. government property on the moon.” However, these recommendations will not be legally binding due to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which clearly states that the lunar surface has no owner.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Iraq War and the Power of Propaganda

From: The National Interest 

It is extraordinary that the makers of the Iraq War in the George W. Bush administration got so many people to go along with such an ill-conceived project of such a small number of zealous proponents (a “cabal,” in Lawrence Wilkerson's phrase). Being able to exploit the national anguish and anger over 9/11 was a critical ingredient, of course. But the success of the war-selling campaign was testimony to what a determined use of the opinion-molding capabilities of the government of the day, including the bully pulpit of the presidency, can accomplish. The dragging of even many Democrats and liberals into going along with the project was less a matter of instilling any specific mistaken belief than of instilling a mood and momentum. It was a matter of sending a war train hurtling down the track and daring anyone to get in the way.

The Week in Alternative News 10

Just a quick, weekly news update provided by Set You Free News, Activist Post, The Intel Hub and Greenewave TV. Feel free to check out these alternative media sites. You can find their news feeds along with many other innovative, anti-censorship, open source, independent media sites right here at The Promethean Post. We will continue to support all alternative media that provides a venue for articles, editorials, videos and analyses on issues, events and information largely censored or blacked out by the mainstream media. The majority of the sites we link to and support are completely independent and have achieved this with reader support and no agenda-driven corporate funding, advertising or political party affiliation. Think for yourself and stay informed.


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